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首先,我们要内省。First of all, we have to introspect.

这个组织需要内省。The organization needs introspection.

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其五,引导网络主体不断“内省”和“慎独”。Fifth, guide network main body's contrition.

只通过内省发现不了真正的自己。You cannot discover yourself by introspection.

伊坦·亚伦·郝雷那宁静、朦胧、内省的一天已经完结了。Ethan Allen Hawley's quiet, dim, and inward day was gone.

在印度尼西亚国内,情况最严重的地区就是廖内省。Within Indonesia, the situation is most critical in Riau.

这段时间会我们停止课程,进行内省。It's the time where we stop the class and you look inward.

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欢唱还会培育提升者所需的内省,让提升者能够清晰地觉知到自己的内在。Banter fosters the introspection necessary to realize itself.

你必须要清理问题,要面对自己而且内省。You have to clear your problems, face yourself and introspect.

行为主义不把意识和内省考虑在内。Behaviourism leaves out of account consciousness and introspection.

它们还可以像普通函数一样内省到闭包中。They can also introspect into a closure just like a normal function can.

一直以来,人们并不清楚在深度内省的时候都发生了什么。Until now, it has been unclear what happens during a navel-gazing session.

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5月24日的新月后你将变得沉默而内省。At the new moon, May 24, you will begin a quieter, more introspective period.

然而,除此之外,陈竺的内省时刻也是相当有启迪意义的。Beyond that, however, Chen's moment of introspection was remarkably revealing.

内省是英国人与生俱来,不用费力培养就拥有的特质。Inwardness is what an Englishman quite simply has, painlessly, as a birthright.

它不仅拒绝所有历史训练方法,还拒绝心理学的内省。It rejects the introspection of psychology as well as all historical disciplines.

但是它行文的精致和内省,言语的机敏又使它不落此窠臼。But it is also delicate, introspective and mercurial, which ensures that it's not.

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冯至与里尔克同为内省型精神气质的诗人,后期创作方向同为主知型诗。Both Fengzhi and Rainer Maria Rilke are poets with the temperament of introspection.

玛莉娜用冬季的意象来代表一段休息沈潜、更新再生、内省反照的时光。I use the symbolism of Winter to represent a time of rest, renewal and introspection.

当我们见到人们乖张的个性,我们应内省反求诸己。When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.