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她飞奔上台阶。She flew up the steps.

马飞奔而去。The horse galloped away.

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阿黛勒朝窗子飞奔过去。Adele flew to the window.

她沿着大街飞奔而去。She simply flew down the street.

那男孩沿街飞奔而去。The boy speeded down the street.

我喜欢在田野中策马飞奔。I enjoy galloping over the fields.

这儿曾是我们飞奔而去的地方。This used to be the place we ran to.

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这歌引导我向你飞奔而去。The song guided me to where you were.

斑马疾驰飞奔远离狮子。The zebra galloped away from the lion.

他骑着自行车沿路飞奔而去。He careered down the road on a bicycle.

他着睡衣裤,从房子里飞奔了出来。He ran out of the house in his pajamas.

曼里科立即向修道院飞奔而去。Manrico leaves to find her immediately.

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孩子们从学校飞奔回家。The children galloped home from school.

他们骑着马往山下飞奔而去。They rode at full gallop down the hill.

她飞奔下楼开门让男孩子进来。She belted downstairs to let the boy in.

道弯下腰去捡,一辆疾驰的车子飞奔而来。Tao stooped to pick, a car race car ran.

步两个台阶地飞奔跑上楼。He tore up the stairs two steps at a time.

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众仙女们飞奔上岸。Numerous fairy people gallop to disembark.

猎人们纵马飞奔,追捕狐狸。The huntsmen rode fast,chasing after the fox.

他一口气吃完早饭,然后飞奔办公室。He wolfed down breakfast and darted to office.