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不过美人的美人计一施,还真行进的不错。But the beauty of a beauty Oxfam, the road really good.

这类间谍活动美其名曰“美人计”。The trade name for this type of spying is the "honey trap."

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女特务对约翰用美人计,约翰上当了。Girl spy played a badger game with John, John failed into her trick.

蔡依林唱的美人计,节奏感不错,大家可以试听下载使用。Jolin singing honey trap, a good sense of rhythm, you can listen to download.

有时,举国之媒体会自得地深陷一桩貌合神离的美人计。Sometimes a country's entire journalism corps can fall into an apparent honey trap.

布下美人计的女人名叫谢里尔·本·托伏,供职于摩萨德,代号“辛迪”。The woman who set the honey trap was a Mossad officer, Cheryl Ben Tov, code-named "Cindy."

闪闪发光的智慧,训练有素的专业,良好的个性,以及坚定不移的爱国,所有这一切在精心布局的美人计面前破绽百出。Cleverness, training, character, and patriotism are often no defense against a well-set honey trap.

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看官们得到的教训也许就是,疑似的美人计同货真价实的美人计一样凶险。The lesson here, perhaps, is that resembling a honey trap can be as dangerous as actually being one.

最后这个女间谍心里害怕她用的美人计影响到个人的婚姻前景。Finally the woman spy hearts of Americans with her fear of personal effects to the marriage prospects.

美人计,连环套,手铐脚镣,机关陷阱蒙汗药——钞票钞票!Bait of beautiful woman, connect a wreath set, handcuffs shackles, the sleeping drug-bill of the organization trap bill!

尽管地主阶级耍尽了诸如暗杀、美人计之类的种种阴谋诡计,然而这场斗争还是以他们的失败而告终。The rural possessing classes, despite their murders, their intrigues and the seductive activities of their women, had lost the battle.

事实上,在社会缺少宽容的岁月里,一桩同性美人计的好戏同异性美人计一样,为了达到要挟的目的,都卓有成效。In fact, during less tolerant eras, a homosexual honey trap with a goal of blackmail could be just as effective as using women as bait.

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艾语聪明反击,在尚伟志的别墅使用美人计,既破坏了伟志与小奇的约会,又让伟志深深着迷。Ai intelligent counter, the use of honey trap ShangWeiZhi villa, which destroyed the wei dynasty and date, and let wei chi infatuate deeply.

但也有例外,譬如遭人暗算被下了迷药抑或是定力不够中了美人计。But also have exception, for example plotted against to be fallen to confuse medicine to or by the person is calm force not quite medium badger game.

那些拉保险和拉广告的就经常使用这一手,尽管男人明白是美人计,但往往甘愿中招。Those ones that drew insurance and solicited advertising often use this hand, though the man understands that the sex-trap , employ in being willing often.

自古以来许多英雄豪杰,都因为把握不了自己的方寸而堕入情网,甚至落入温柔陷阱,从而使美人计成为36计中的一计。Since the ancient times, so many heroes couldn't help falling into the trap of love that the sex-trap has been regarded as one of the 36 stratagems in military tactics.

一对亡命鸳鸯因女方不堪长期被施暴,设计了一个天衣无缝的美人计加以报复。A pair of mandarin ducks flee violence by the woman bear has long been designed to be a seamless honey trap revenge. The end of violence against the man arrested on murder charges.

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国民党特务机关意识到,要想搞垮八路军,光靠金钱是起不了多大作用的。他们了解到八路军官兵大多是单身汉,于是以为施用美人计或许能够奏效。In trying to subvert the 8th Route Army, the Kuomintang intelligence realized not much could be done with money, but thought Communist soldiers might be overcome by women, as most of them were single.