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翡翠温柔地冲着他笑了。Hisui smiles gently at him.

献给永远的翡翠骑士团。The Jade Knightage Never Die.

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在家里,在你翡翠的树阴中At home, in your emerald bowers

阿拉斯加蟹爪,冻虾,翡翠螺。Alaska Crab Claw, Shrimp, Whelk.

五月的诞生石是翡翠。May's birthstone is the emerald.

这块翡翠是豆绿种。This jadeite is Bean Green variety.

我猜您可能喜欢翡翠手镯。I guess you might enjoy jade bangle.

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“翡翠海”船水线以上有严峻的破坏。I have major damage below waterline.

翡翠俗称玉中之王。Jadeite is usally called "king of jade".

鸳鸯裁锦袖,翡翠帖花黄。Kam Mandarin CD sleeves, emerald yellow decals.

草儿有了你,聚集成翡翠般的毯。The grass turns itself into a magnificent jade.

他现在已经能战胜翡翠王了!He can already win jadeite immediately sovereign!

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它的整个身体油亮亮的,绿得像一块翡翠。It of the whole body, like a piece of green jade.

看,翡翠城越来越近,也越来越美了。Look, Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever.

王冠上镶嵌珍珠、翡翠和红宝石。The crown was beset with pearls,emeralds and rubies.

翡翠赢得了“玉石之王”的美称!Jadeite has won the laudatory title of " jade king "!

虾,带子,青口贝,雪蟹腿,翡翠螺。Prawns, Scallop, Green Mussels, crab leg, Jade snail.

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我希望看到一个镶满翡翠的肯德尔薄饼!!I want to see an emerald encrusted Kendal Mint cake! !

与喜乐在毛伊岛的翡翠池早上鸟。Rejoice with the morning birds at Maui's Emerald Pool.

我们的翡翠牛肉丸不错。We make some pretty good emerald-jade beef croquettes.