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人在死亡面前是坚贞不屈的。Man is constant in the face of death.

他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.

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我们将为国家取胜,我们也会坚贞不屈,这是我为什麽现在在这。We will win for the country, we will persevere. That is why I'm here.

无论敌人对他施加什么刑法,他始终坚贞不屈。No matter what punishment the enemy handed out to him , he stood as firm as ever.

她坚贞不屈,申请镇定,态度从容地卧倒在敌人的刺刀之下。She application calm attitude lie down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.

然后我就能够看到你们是七千万奴隶还是七千万坚贞不屈的日耳曼人!Then I can see you are seventy million or seventy million slaves unwavering in German!

年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢?She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it?

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有那么一个执着而不知羞耻的精子突破了她坚贞不屈的防线,始料未及。There was a persistent and shameless sperm broke through her firmness unyielding defense, unexpectedly.

然而,欧比-万证明了自己的坚贞不屈,他死里逃生,还救出被俘虏的战友——被称为阿尔法的ARC士兵。Proof of his tenacity, however, Obi-Wan escaped and freed his fellow captive, the ARC trooper known as Alpha.

我国的志愿军人在战场上英勇无畏,坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle, unwavering in loyalty, unmatched in honor and decency.

在狱中,面对敌人的严刑和诱降,他正气凛然,坚贞不屈。In prison, facing enemies' cruel torture and lure, he remained awe-inspiring righteous and faithful yet unyielding.

“操守”指的是坚持真理、坚贞不屈、廉洁正直等优秀品质。Integrity refers to some good virtues such as upholding the truth, faithfulness and never yielding, honesty and uprightness.

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故事中的母亲显然是祖国的象征,仙人掌则象征坚贞不屈的英雄。Soon, a cactus grew out from this heart. Apparently, the mother in the story symbols the country while cactus represents the faithful hero.

他在狱中坚贞不屈,表现出坚定的民主革命信念和可贵的蔽身精神。However, lie remained unbending in there, also showing his strong faith of Democratic Revolution and precious spirit of dedication to the revolution.

各种各样的花千姿百态,却还是被冬天的寒气抹去了几分光彩,唯有梅花坚贞不屈地傲立于寒冬之中。Mix a variety of flowers, but still was a little wiped the cold winter glory, only to standing proudly in the winter plum among the faithful and unyielding.