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他鼓励他们反省。He urges introspection.

可以反省你的行动。Reflect on your favorites.

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他总是不断反省是否言行合理。He's constantly rationalizing.

沿途要住在停留和反省。Stop and reflect along the way.

她总是不断反省自己的言行是否合理。She is unceasingly rationalizing.

所以要多反省自己。So be a little bit introspective.

我们不能够反省和发现他们。You can't introspect and find them.

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我们需要时间来反省过去。We need time to reflect on our past.

把你的家庭作业反省一下然后再交。Check your homework before you hand it in.

他是多么坏,后来却不去反省。What mischiefs was he not then meditating.

我们应当经常反省自己过去的错误。We should often reflect on our past mistakes.

在许多场景中,自我反省是一个不错的建议。Self-reflection is good advice on many fronts.

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该是你反省思过的时候了。It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes.

——用这段时间来思考、计划、反省和梦想。Use this time to think, plan, reflect, and dream.

自我反省与检讨可以在任何地方进行。A self-critique of this kind can be made anywhere.

怀疑让理性能反省其教条式的漫游旅程。Where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings.

自我反省并改进你的工作态度。Self- reflection and improve your attitude at work.

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没有经过反省的人生,是不值得活的人生。Have life not introspecting, worthy to be alive life.

现在他有很长的一段时间来反省他的所作所为。He now has a long time to reflect on what he has done.

这一次至少可以说带着疑问的职业转向,是经过一番痛苦的反省才决定的。It was, to say the least, a questionable career swerve.