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你的年龄。Your age.

她的年龄多大了?What’s her age?

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当然年龄很小。Unaged, of course.

他猜对了她的年龄。He guessed her age.

降速的年龄。Spin down the ages.

他是一个年龄要大些的人。He was an older man.

你猜得出她的年龄吗?Can you guess her age?

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他的年龄接近40岁。His age borders on 40.

我叫李静,年龄27岁。My name is li, age 27.

她谎报年龄。She lies about her age.

他们都是同年龄的人。They are all of an age.

在瑞典,可发生性关系的法定年龄年龄是15岁。The way in Sweden is 15.

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我会介意说出我的年龄吗?Do I mind telling my age?

他谎报了他的年龄。He storied about his age.

我估计他的年龄是四十岁。I estimated his age at40.

这些女性年龄层次在20-50之间。The age is between 20-50.

全组发病中位年龄55岁。The mean age was 55 years.

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是的,我能猜你的年龄。Yes, I can guess your age.

你的年龄在25岁—50岁之间吗?Your aged 25-50 years old?

他的年龄是20岁的恭子的两倍。Kyoko, 20, is half his age.