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对于物价,我们不敢掉以轻心。We must not take this issue lightly.

而这个步骤切不可掉以轻心。And this step should not be viewed lightly!

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做事勿掉以轻心,把婴儿与洗澡水一起给倒了。Don't empty the baby out with the bath water.

尽管如此,我仍然不能对初选掉以轻心。Still, I couldn’t take the primary for granted.

但是在厉害攸关的时刻,我们绝不能掉以轻心。But we must never lose sight of what's at stake.

不要成为一个挂名的、掉以轻心的、浮浅的基督徒。Don't be a nominal, casual, superficial Christian.

这正是为什么对他们的话不可掉以轻心。That’s exactly why their word isn’t taken lightly.

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但投资者不应太过掉以轻心。Investors shouldn't take too much comfort, however.

我们很愚蠢,太掉以轻心了,结束那场游戏你是对的。We were foolish and heedless, and you were right to break it off.

聚精会神地看,你将看到水在湖岩掉以轻心。Look attentively, and you will see as water in lake lightly rocks.

但前进并不意味着固步自封或掉以轻心。But moving on should not mean turning inward or dropping its guard.

每个时代都有其虚构的神话误导你掉以轻心而铸成大错。Each era has its own myths that mislead the unwary into harmful error.

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不过,我们不应对去全球化的风险掉以轻心。The risks of deglobalisation, however, should not be lightly dismissed.

年轻人,不要掉以轻心,权利和知识会将你诱入毁灭的深渊。Yet beware, young one, the lure of power and knowledge can lead to disaster.

从人行道监督,包括业主咨询,必须采取掉以轻心。Advice from sidewalk superintendents, including owners, must be taken lightly.

但是,有一点你不可以掉以轻心,就是就算是二个星期后,曾经患过唇疱疹的人还是处于感染状态。Two weeks to their disappearance however, the patient can still be infectious.

因为他在几年之前曾经砍下他母亲的头,所以州警们都不敢掉以轻心。Since he had decapitated his mother a few years earlier, they took it seriously.

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即使他已经出名了,他的唱片在各个地方出售,他也不能掉以轻心。Even when he has succeeded, and his records are sold everywhere, he cannot relax.

定期妇检,对于各种不适切莫掉以轻心。Regular adulteress inspection, for all sorts of discomfort don't take it lightly.

没有一家咖啡店敢对店头装饰与美化工作掉以轻心。A coffee shop did not dare to head to the shop decoration and landscaping lightly.