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免费由羟基苯甲酸,石油和补充。Free from parabens, petroleum and SLS.

这是一个没有对羟基苯甲酸酯类天然产物。It is a natural product with no parabens.

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从苯甲酸衍生而来的一价化学基。The univalent radical derived from benzoic acid.

不含染料,香水,羊毛脂,对羟基苯甲酸酯和甲醛。FREE of Dyes, Perfume, Lanolin, Parabens and Formaldehyde.

我公司长年生产经销苯甲酸、对苯二?I perennial production company Distribution acid, benzene 2.

没有苯甲酸酯,苛刻的防腐剂或葡萄柚籽提取物。No parabens, harsh preservatives or grapefruit seed extract.

它最先是由苯甲酸脱羧而得到的。It was originally obtained by decarboxylation of benzoic acid.

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该法巳用于样品复方苯甲酸醇溶液中水杨酸的测定。The method was used to determine salicylic acid in benzoic acid.

实验中添加内标物邻甲基苯甲酸的目的是什么?Why should the MBA be added as the internal standard in the test?

对苯甲酸液相催化氧化合成苯酚中催化剂进行了研究。The catalyses in the benzoic acid oxidation process are also studied.

探讨了4-羟基-3-硝基苯甲酸制备工艺的改进。The process for synthesizing 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzoic acid was selected.

本文报道了相转移催化条件下异成烯基苯甲酸酯的合成。Synthesis of prenyl benzoate under phase transfer catalysis was reported.

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不含羟基苯甲酸,十二烷基硫酸钠,矿物油或合成染料。Contains no parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil or synthetic dyes.

植物生长调节剂-2.3.5-三溴苯甲酸的制备方法。Preparing process for 2,3,5-tribromobenzoic acid as plant growth regulator.

目的研制外用抗真菌药复方苯甲酸凝胶,并对制剂稳定性进行观察。OBJECTIVE To prepare compound benzoic acid gel and perform a stability study.

当服用磺胺药物时,不要使用本产品,因为对氨基苯甲酸会干扰药物的作用。Do not take with sulfonamide since PABA interferes with the activity of the drug.

生成的有机化合物成分比较复杂,主要成分有苯甲酸酐、二苯甲酮等。The organic compounds are mainly benzoic acid anhydride, benzophenone, and so on.

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因此,对中国乳制品中苯甲酸含量进行评估是十分有必要的。Therefore, it is important to assess the levels of benzoic acid in milk in China.

生成的有机化合物成分比较复杂,主要成分有苯甲酸酐、苯甲酮等。The organic compounds are mainly benzoic acid anhydride , benzophenone, and so on.

不含防腐剂、人工色素、香料、矿物油,对羟基苯甲酸甲酯、矿油。Free of preservatives, artificial color, fragrance, mineral oil, parabens, petroleum.