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我需要哪种类型的双目放大镜?Which model loupe do I need ?

然后我把放大镜放在上面。Then I put the magnifier in place.

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他有了新的阅读用无框放大镜。He's got new rimless reading glass es.

一副镶金边的阅读用放大镜。A pair of gold-rimmed reading glass es.

我必须戴上我的放大镜。I must put on my magnifying spectacles.

品牌的故事从放大镜开始。The brand story starts with magnifiers.

用放大镜在太阳底下烤死一只蚂蚁。Use a magnifier to roast an ant in the sun.

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根据你方要求,我方提供你方2000打放大镜,每打30美元,CIF旧金山,九月装运。per dozen CIF San Francisco September shipment.

本软件作为暂存记忆放大镜。BPOP serves as a memory-resident magnifying glass.

几分钟以后,他带来一只袖珍放大镜。He returned moments later with a pocket magnifier.

若要测试公开键盘焦点,请运行放大镜。To test exposing the keyboard focus, run Magnifier.

您可以使用放大镜来避免这些限制。You can use Magnifier to overcome these limitations.

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我用放大镜检查了一遍,没有发现刮痕。I examined it under my glass. There were no scratches.

它具有一个屏幕放大镜功能和一个RGB值窗口。Additionally it has a screen loupe and a RGB value window.

你不能用放大镜,也不能用其它任何一种工具。You can not use a magnifying-glass, or instruments of any kind.

带灯放大镜有什么特点?What are the special features of our illuminated LED magnifiers?

视敏度低到什么程度需要用放大镜?From which visual acuity do magnifying vision aids have to be used?

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不允许有用十倍放大镜所观察到的裂纹存在。No allowance of crackles that can be observed by decuple-magnifier.

当然,标签或票据也具有放大镜的特性。Of course, the label or ticket will also bear the magnifying glass.

关键是用放大镜来检视每一个害怕的思想。The point is to examine each fearful belief with a magnifying glass.