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太阳红红的,放射出五彩的光芒。Red sun, and emit colored light.

也使用了五彩纸屑和锯木屑。Confetti and sawdust have also been used.

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五彩纸屑,彩带,蜡烛,这店�都有得卖。Confetti , streamers, candles are available in this shop.

最早的霸王龙是一种被叫做‘五彩冠龙’的动物。The first tyrannosaurs was an animal called Alectorsaurs.

途中我们参观了五彩滩和魔鬼城。On the way we visited the colorful beach city and the devil.

还有横卧水上的小桥,宛若一道五彩的虹。There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

在右边有一面画有五彩图案的墙。On the right side there was a wall crayoned with colourful designs.

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“就算我一个人呆着,手里拿着五彩的陶土就会很兴奋”,她说。I can be alone and hold color in my hands and be excited,” she said.

你是否曾见过这样美丽,五彩,广阔而美好的天空。Have you ever seen the sky so beautiful, colorful, wide and wonderful.

而其中的五彩池以九寨沟最明丽的海子著称。In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.

再次五彩纸屑和乘空气来的流者,然后规范经水路。Again confetti and streamers to come by air and then the canons by sea.

大地上有五色土,海滩边有五彩贝,乐章里有五线谱,人生中有五彩路。Earth, five shells beach, with a staff movement, a colorful way of life.

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在教堂外,一阵雨点般的五彩纸屑撒落在一对新婚的新人身上。A shower of confetti fell on the newly-married couple outside the church.

第一个奥运吉祥物是慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物五彩狗瓦尔第。The first Olympic mascot was a dog called Waldi from the Munich Olympics.

你找到了783尼奥点数,红色特翼俚哔剥器,和一袋五彩纸屑!!!You find 783 Neopoints, a Red Pteri Clacker , also a Bag of Confetti ! ! !

壮丽的玉龙雪山,为五彩经幡旗当背景。Gorgeous Yu Long Xue Shan sets the background for the sea of relgious flags.

是勤奋擎着它五彩的风帆,驾驭着它生命的舵把,告诉它勇敢地走下去。It is hard holding colorful sailing, riding it tiller tell it to go bravely.

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一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。More than ton of confetti , little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.

当风儿拂过屋顶,它们便起起伏伏,如五彩的泡沫。When the wind blows over the roofs they rise and fall as painted bubbles do.

一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。More than a ton of confetti , little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.