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谁有手电?Does anyone have a flashlight?

手电借我用用好吗?Lend me your flashlight, will you?

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然后,我又晃着手电在仓库地板上照。Then I waved it around the warehouse floor.

这时,树林里有一道手电光照来照去。Then, the woods have a flashlight to shine to.

康维拿袖珍手电打出了遇险信号。Conway flashed a distress signal with his pocket light.

花一段时间看着光源,譬如是台灯或者手电。Look at a light source, like a lamp or light, for a few moments.

我们看到从一支手电桶中发出的光在扫来扫去。We saw the splash of light from an electric torch pass back and forth.

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手电两用升降机无电时也能使用。When power is lost, manual & electric dual purpose elevator can also be used.

如果主角在夜里打开手电或头灯,主角的敌人将立刻瞄准你。If the actor turns on the flashlight at night, then his enemies spot him immediately.

她把手电打开,我俩从前边窗口望出去,没看见外边有人。As she turned on the porch light neither she nor I could see anyone from the front window.

什么?你以为我会那么笨吗?我也有一个主意。打开我的手电,你就可以顺着光爬下去了。What, do you think I'm stupid? You'll just turn off the flashlight when I'm halfway there.

目前产品覆盖充电应急照明台灯,手电,野营灯,通道应急灯和室内外的LED照明灯饰。Our products cover Torch, Camping light, Emergency light and LED indoor and outdoor lighting.

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“我不会有事的,”Neal说,他用手电照亮了昏暗的门廊。“I’ll be all right, ” Neal said, and he turned the flashlight on the dark porch of the house.

我举起手电照,光柱掠过宽大的天花板,天花板上的缝隙露出夜空中零碎的星光。I shone my torch. It flitted across a huge ceiling showing smashed skylights with the night above.

身后的客人开亮一支手电,使我能看清他那银色的头发和健壮、多棱的脸孔。Behind me someone switched on a light, and I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face.

你需要一张桌子来放星图、红色手电、目镜、笔记本、铅笔和其他设备。You'll need a table right at hand to hold charts, red flashlight, eyepieces , notebook, pencil, and other gear.

在从手电的分别它给为画象曝光是非常有用的光滑的多彩多姿的光。In distinction from a flashlight it gives smooth multi-colored light that is very useful for portraits exposure.

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最后大人们拿着手电去树林里找Benny,喊着“Beeennnnnyyyyy!Eventually, the adults went looking for him. They tromped into the woods with flashlights, yelling "BEEENNNNYYYYY!

我知道他没付电话费所以他的手电用不了。但他至少该找个公用电话通知一声。I know his cell phone's been deactivated but he really shoulda had the courtesy to find a pay phone before coming.

当格罗姆先生的手电桶又照回来,在大厅的窗户上来回照的时候,我们保持安静了一段无穷的时间。We held silence for an endless time, while Mr. Glum's electric torch came back, playing across windows of the Main Hall.