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岩溶堆积型铝土矿是国内新类型的铝土矿床。Karst accumulation bauxite orebody is a new kind of one in China.

铝土矿全部是风化作用形成的,无一例外。All of the bauxites are formed by weathering without any exception.

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赤泥是铝土矿提炼氧化铝过程中产生的废弃物,产量巨大。Red Mud is the waste of the alumina industry, which yield is tremendous.

对铝土矿及其围岩系统取样,进行稀土元素分析。Some samples of bauxites and wall-rocks are collected and measured for REE.

铝土矿是炼铝工业及耐火材料工业的主要原料。Bauxite is the main material in refining aluminum and refractories industries.

中国拥有丰富的铁矿石、铝土矿、锌、镍、煤炭和原油储量。China is rich in iron ore, bauxite, zinc, nickel, coal and crude oil deposits.

槽式洗矿机是铝土矿脱泥的关键设备。The troughed ore washer is a key equipment used for desliming the bauxite ore.

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广西德保铝土矿属于岩溶堆积型矿床。Debao bauxite deposit in Guangxi province is a karst accumulation type deposit.

研究了复杂铝土矿浮选尾矿在酸介质中铁的溶解行为。The dissolving behavior of iron in bauxite tails in vitriol solution was studied.

同时,澳大利亚的铝土矿还具有开采容易的特点。Becouse of the above advantages the scales of alumina refineries in Australia are large.

平果铝土矿矿床的工业指标是在地质勘探时期制定的,但未经生产验证。But its industrial index was made during the exploration and has not been changed from that.

赤泥是铝土矿提炼氧化铝过程中产生的废弃物。The red mud is the tailing produced during the process when separating alumina from bauxite.

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一般来说,铝土矿是在露天的矿井中进行采掘的,这将对当地的风景造成巨大的损害。Bauxite is usually extracted through open-cast mines, which leave vast scars on the landscape.

仙人岩高铁型铝土矿为遵义铝土矿中规模较大的矿床之一。The high-Fe type bauxite in Xianrenyan is one of the larger deposits of the bauxites in Zunyi.

范围研究提出的可能性,一铝土矿采矿和冶炼业为南部老挝。Scoping study raises the possibility of a bauxite mining and smelting industry for southern Laos.

研究了在一水硬铝石型铝土矿焙烧过程中添加剂对焙烧矿溶出性能的影响。The effect of additives on the digestibility of diasporic bauxite during its roasting is studied.

本文介绍了BF-L型浮选机的结构特点,工作原理及铝土矿选矿的适应性研究。The structure, the principle of work, bauxite floatation of BF-L floatation machine were presented.

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介绍了国内外铝土矿预脱硅的研究现状。The current internal and external study status of the pre-desilicification for bauxite are reviewed.

研究了用高品位铝土矿代替氢氧化铝合成铝酸钡的制备方法及合成机理。In this paper, a study for high speed determination of aluminum in Si-Al-Ba alloy has been described.

它是山西省政府扶持的重点工程之一并已经得到充足的铝土矿保证。It is one of the key projects supported by the Shanxi govement and has also got bauxite reserve support.