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一定程度上,医生和患者都是陷于在癌症困境中的难兄难弟。In part, doctors and patients are stuck in a sort of cancer time warp.

在那段期间,这对难兄难弟以骑机车、坐飞机和步行的方式旅行。During that time, the pair travels by motorcycle, airplane, and on foot.

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詹米和艾德蒙这时精神上是孤儿的难兄难弟,是迷惘的一代,也是垮掉的一代。Jamie and Edmund who are orphans in spirit, are sons of the lost generation.

我不知道你为什么要抱怨你多付一些,我们现在是难兄难弟。I don't know why you complained that you should pay more, we are all in the same boat now.

如果知道你有难兄难弟算是点安慰的话,你的同伴比你想象的要多。If it's any consolation, take comfort in knowing that you have more company than you can imagine.

周日和整个第一轮,这对难兄难弟都很有可能坐在板凳上度过。Sunday and throughout the first round, the injured pair figure to be sharing a spot on the bench.

对于这对去年薪水超过1亿欧元的难兄难弟,我们其实不必太过伤心。Not too many tears should be shed for the pair, who last year earned more than euro100m between them.

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在宏观经济遭遇寒流的背景下,楼市与股市俨然成为了一对难兄难弟。The cold spell experienced in the macroeconomic context, the stock market and property market has become a loser.

倒是能够想象到中功坛主张洪堡的横死,会给“难兄难弟”李洪志造成多么强烈的刺激与震撼。However, we could image that how the accidental death of "Zhong Gong master" Zhang Hongbao shocked and stung his "fellow sufferer" Li Hongzhi.

3输给难兄难弟维冈并降级后,西汉姆已经解雇球队主帅格兰特。West Ham have parted company with manager Avram Grant after a 3-2 defeat at fellow strugglers Wigan sealed their relegation from the Premier League.

艾迪。约翰逊在克鲁的替补席上没有获得上场机会。他们3-1击败难兄难弟米尔沃尔获得了一场关键的胜利。这场胜利让阿历克斯在冠军联赛中名列18位。Eddie Johnson was an unused substitute as Crewe notched a vital 3-1 victory at fellow strugglers Millwall. The win puts Alex 18th in the Championship.

找一个和我相恋相爱、能有共同语言的知己走上幸福的港湾,如果没有缘分做恋人,希望我们能成为好朋友、知己,难兄难弟!Finding a love girlfriend, can have a common language, the well-being of friends embark on eBay, so if there is no fate of lovers, I hope we can become good friends.

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美国的报业正处于危机中,与美国汽车业堪称难兄难弟。当前的金融风暴更加剧了两个行业的恶化。The American newspaper industry is in crisis. So is the American auto industry. Both are victims of secular changes, which have been exacerbated by the current economic crisis.