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2011年会是山寨横行掂旎年吗?Will 2011 be the year of the copycat?

所以嘛,现在佛教徒正在用从伊斯兰教那山寨来的战术。So, now the Budhism is using tactics from Islam.

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土家山寨中至今仍保留着这种习俗。This custom remains in Tujia villages even today.

巴拉声称,小米重来没有山寨苹果的设计。Barra has claimed that Xiaomi doesn't copy from Apple.

她把这家店称为“我们见过的最好的山寨店”。She called it “the best rip-off store we had ever seen.”

对一些大陆评论人士来说,“山寨”乃鄙俗之词。For some mainland commentators, shanzhai is a dirty word.

但现在,我们会毫不畏缩地去买那“山寨”手提包。We’re going to buy knockoff handbags without wincing, now.

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在中国,虽然依旧有山寨,但他们仍然准你销售。In China, they knock it off, but still let you sell at there.

他们什么都山寨。我就爱嘲笑那些私卖的玩具。They copy everything. I love laughing at bootleg toys though.

盗匪们撤回到他们的山寨中准备过冬。The bandits withdrew to their mountain fastness for the winter.

此外,山寨产品的蓬勃发展显示了现行法律的漏洞。Moreover, shanzhai products thrive on the current legal loopholes.

如今山寨手机早已背井离乡、甚至远离印度。Today, the shanzhai market has moved beyond China, and even India.

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象很多山寨产品一样,该生产商似乎更喜欢隐名埋姓。As with many shanzhai products, the maker seems to prefer anonymity.

这里只有山寨狼,没有冬日阳光那老宁盘呢。Here only the Shanzhai wolf, no sunshine in winter the old Ning Pan.

评选2008年流行语,“山寨”当有一席之地。To choose the catchword of 2008, Simulated Culture must be included.

大卫从那里上去,住在隐基底的山寨里。And David went up from there and lived in the strongholds of En Gedi.

现在Kring是对同一财产,在一个完美的山寨。Now Kring is back on the same property, in a picture-perfect cottage.

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一番话打动了山官的女儿,山寨美丽的少主人纳若。Words moved mountain officers daughter, fake beautiful master, if less.

中国仍然受累于“山寨”仿造品制造者的声誉。China still suffers from its reputation of being a copycat manufacturer.

请勿过于高看创新,是时候正视山寨的力量了。Innovation is overrated. It's time to appreciate the power of the copycat.