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是蝙蝠和夜莺的窠巢盘踞在顶梁。The bats and owlets builders in the roof!

说不定哪天你会看到一只亚马逊巨型蜈蚣夹着一只蝙蝠盘踞在你头顶。In the clip above you can see the centipede catching a bat in midair.

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很像旅馆前台的桌子有模有样的盘踞在大厅。Something like a hotel reception desk now occupied one end of the hall.

医生担心危险的细菌有可能盘踞医院。Doctors fear that dangerous bacteria may become entrenched in hospitals.

在这些岛屿上盘踞着一些小规模的地狱军队营地。The islands themselves hold the small military camps set up Hades advancing army.

不安全的细菌可能盘踞在表面,会分散到你的食物中去。Unsafe bacteria are probably lurking on the surface and could spread to your food.

十三鹰策马杀至老魔盘踞的华山之巅。Thirteen eagle on horseback to the old demons killing occupy the top of the mountain.

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“40000只海鸥盘踞在此,许多其他鸟类就没有什么生活空间了,”斯特朗说。"With 40, 000 gulls, there's not a lot of room for a lot of other birds, " Strong says.

这样的想法在你的脑海里盘踞了一小段时间便被理智赶走了,或者屈服于你内心的恐慌。You entertain the thought for a brief moment but rationalize it away or succumb to fear.

夜里到达伊斯坦布尔令人激动,从旅馆里可以看到蓝色清真寺盘踞在天际线上。Arriving in Istanbul at night is thrilling and the Blue Mosque dominates the skyline from our hostel.

突然他眼前一花,花纹似乎又变成了一条盘踞着的巨龙,随即飞向了夜空。He blinked, and in that time the tracery transformed itself into a coiled dragon, and then into a night sky.

切尼阁下,艾丁顿和其他强硬派一起,依然盘踞在副总统办公室。Mr Cheney remains entrenched in the vice-president's office, along with Mr Addington and other hard- liners.

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城堡高高盘踞于锡拉库扎的一座峭壁上,内部已被清理一空,正待拍卖——但它那荒弃的状态依旧诡异。Perched high on a cliff in the Syracuse, this has been looted, put up for sale – but remains eerily abandoned.

战胜的一方,往往会在战败国的领土上盘踞上十五天,尽干些烧杀掳掠的事后方才撤离。The winner in the war sojourns on loser's territory for fifteen days. They retreat after plunder and burn all.

当晚他和女儿两个悄悄的溜之大吉,不敢再盘踞在女王的克劳莱大厦了。He and his daughter slunk off silently through the night, and gave up possession of the house of Queen's Crawley.

这里暴戾横行,鱼龙混杂,罪恶盘踞在黑暗的街区,帮派肆虐腐败着整座城市。Here violent rampage, was mixed, evil entrenched in the dark streets, gangs rampant corruption in the whole city.

北约发言人哈格补充说,北约直升机并没有向盘踞在酒店房顶上的武装分子开火。The spokesman added that the NATO helicopters did fire at insurgents who had taken positions on the hotel’s roof.

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以后又平息了叛乱分子长期盘踞的山南地区的叛乱。Before long the pla suppressed the armed rebellion in shanna n where the rebels had been entrenched for a long time.

以后又平息了叛乱分子长期盘踞的山南地区的叛乱。Before long, the PLA suppressed the armed rebellion in Shannan, where the rebels had been entrenched for a long time.

根深蒂固的腐败和官僚主义盘踞在立法过的经济领域里,经济危机有了很大的进展。Corruption and bureaucracy was far too entrenched in the economy for legislation to make a dent in the economic crisis.