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在中国人人都有户口。Everyone has a hukou in China.

请别因此取消我的户口。Please don't revoke my citizenship.

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众人各归各城去登记户口。And everyone went to his own town to register.

户口薄和身份证复印件及护照。Copy of Residence record, personal ID and passport.

你想要储蓄还是支票户口呢?Do you want a savings account or a chequing account?

农业户口可以享受分红政策。The agriculture accounts can enjoy dividend policy.

钱已经进了你的户口,请检查。Money already transferred into your acct, please chk.

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其中一个下家在注册之后关闭了帐户口。One of your referrals canceled account after signing up.

在整本圣经中,户口普查是一件突出的事。Censuses arc prominent throughout the pages of Scripture.

提供一个8个位的户口号码辨别客户身份,字头是25。A 8-bit customer identification account number, prefix 25.

毎次消费更可利用登记户口储分,以换取特别奖赏!You can also earn points on every visit for special prizes!

从理论上讲,你可以把户口从一个地方迁到另一个地方。In theory you can transfer your hukou from one place to another.

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他在老家河南省郑州市注册了户口。He is registered in his home city of Zhengzhou in Henan province.

在中国,做任何事情都需要出示户口。In order to do anything in China, you have to produce your hukou.

所有指定户口之户名必须与申请人之户名相同。All designated accounts must be in the same name of the applicant.

而户口体系改革的前景也仅仅只好那么一点儿。Prospects for reform of the hukou system are only slightly better.

2010年中国农民工能否拿到城市户口?Will China's migrant workers get permanent urban residence in 2010?

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女方是城市户口,独养女儿,家境好。The woman is registered city alone, a daughter, family circumstances.

由于这种方法非常依赖于户口调查,因此也存在缺点。Since it relies mostly on household surveys, this method also has flaws.

在这样不公平的户口体制下,我们的父母为了孩子的教育费尽了心血。Under such an unfair Hukou system my parents have spent a lot of effort.