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首先,她打呼噜。First, she snores.

昨天晚上你打呼噜了。You were snoring last night.

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虽然醉鬼酣睡又打呼噜。Though drunkards lie and snore.

那些扁桃体较大的小孩就经常打呼噜。Children with large tonsils often snore.

如果你正在打呼噜,那么你就没在做梦。If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming.

还是一只可爱的虎斑猫在你大腿上打呼噜?Or maybe a pretty tabby cat purring on your lap?

当然也许她们交往的男人都爱打呼噜。Of course, maybe all these women date men who snore.

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他打呼噜太响最近连隔壁房间的人都抱怨。that people in the next room have complained lately.

为什么打呼噜的人自己听不见是一个永远无法解开的谜。There is no way to find out why a snorer can't hear himself snore.

约翰很少打呼噜的,但是昨天晚上他的呼噜就像是拉锯。John rarely snores, but last night he really started sawing some logs!

很多人只有在平躺着睡觉时才会打呼噜。For most people, snoring occurs mainly when they are positioned on their back.

我爸有打呼噜的病,要怎么利用气道正压通气治疗?My pa has snored disease, how should use spirit way to be being pressed aerate cure?

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男人睡觉时打呼噜的声音明明是从鼻子里发出来的。When the man goes to bed, the sound snoring clearly is from nose about li of effluence.

说实话,我真想不通Carrie怎么能容忍这样一个又打呼噜又自恋的白痴。Carrie, honey, how can you endure life with this purring, narcissistic, soft-velvet idiot?

但是实话告诉你,他打呼噜太响最近连隔壁房间的人都抱怨。我不能确定这个你是否愿意去。But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in the next room have complained lately.

新的研究表明长期打呼噜的人比那些不打呼噜的人挣得要少。New research demonstrates that chronic snorers earn less money than people with normal sleep habits.

打呼噜能让你变穷,而且我们不只是在谈论你配偶花在耳塞上的那点钱。Snoring makes you poorer – and we’re not just talking about the money your partner spends on earplugs.

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虽然治疗打呼噜和睡眠呼吸中止会花很多钱,但是似乎把疾病遏制在萌芽之中是值得一试的。Even though treatment of snoring and sleep apnea may be costly, it appears worthwhile to nip it in the bud.

我们全家刚度完周末假回来,发现我们皮松毛软爱打呼噜的猫儿正在前门台阶上恭候着我们。The family just returned from a weekend trip to find our soft, purring cat awaiting us on our front doorstep.

一个礼拜日,这家伙又开始打呼噜了,牧师决定修理他一下,以惩一儆百。As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would fix him once and for all.