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而这一次胜利,无论对白人来说还是黑人来说,都是大快人心,欢欣鼓舞的。This one was marked by joy, white as well as black.

表面看来,由于李总理的要求,安居工程大快人心。Pressure from Mr Li looks, on the surface, to be paying off.

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澳门回归对于中国各阶层人士和各民族人民来说,必定是一件大快人心的事情。The Macao's return must greatly satisfy all ranks and races in China.

薄在重庆对有组织犯罪和腐败的打击也大快人心。Bo's crackdown on organized crime and corruption in Chongqing has been very popular.

在这一层意义上说,格瓦拉彻底地失败了。他的失败确实大快人心。In this sense, Che was an absolute abject failure and it's a damn good thing that he was.

“这是场人才的战争,”他谈到这项举措,“人人都加薪真的是大快人心。”"This is a war for talent, " he said of the move. "It was a very nice day when everybody got raises."

在国际政治势力斗争中,没有任何事情能比一个标志性敌人的灭亡更大快人心。In the jungle of international power politics there’s no joy to match that of the demise of an iconic enemy.

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短短一个小时之内,数百名兴奋的美国民众挥舞大旗,高唱国歌,到处弥漫着喜悦自豪和大快人心的气息。Within the hour, hundreds of revellers werewaving flags and singing patriotic anthems, exuding a mix of joy, prideand relief.

从科学的观点看,这个世界上被损害的人,无法期待伤害到他们的人来世会遭到大快人心的因果报应。Those wronged on this earth cannot, on a scientific view, anticipate a sweet comeuppance for their tormentors in a life to come.

曲筱绡成功为安迪洗清了冤屈,得意洋洋打电话向安迪报喜,安迪并未觉得大快人心,而是轻描淡写提醒曲筱绡得饶人处且饶人。QuXiao gauze success, for Andy cleared the wrong gloat call to Andy, Andy greatly did not feel, but down to remind QuXiao gauze is set in place and set.

此次攻击此前被人们称为大快人心之举,数个海运团体称,像印度海军“塔巴”号这样的行动应该常态化。The attack was earlier heralded as heroic and several maritime bodies felt that navies patrolling in the region should take cue and be active like INS Tabar.

有人说您必须找到那条袭击你的蛇,并杀了它,复仇固然大快人心,但这么做主要是让医生知道应该用哪一种血清。Some people say you should hunt down the snake and kill it. Revenge is sweet and all, but the reason is so the doctor will know what kind of antivenin to use.

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尽管阿姆斯特朗仍将在审计委员会保留一席之地,但他的下台对那些饱受信贷危机之痛的维权股东而言可谓大快人心。While Mr. Armstrong will remain a member of the audit committee, his exit as its head is a victory for activist shareholders who feel burned by the credit crisis.