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人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。People said the aristocracy was effete.

日薄西山。The sun is setting beyond the western hills.

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方言在新加坡已经日薄西山,气息奄奄。Dialects are already slowly dying in Singapore.

日不落帝国终于日薄西山了。The once sun-never-set Empire finally collapsed.

他们制作MP3播放器,但是很那只是一个日薄西山的行业而已。They do in MP3 players, but that is a dying industry.

对于北京方面来说,日本已经日薄西山,而中国正冉冉升起。For Beijing, the Japanese sun is setting as the Chinese one rises.

同属鹰派的副总统迪克·切尼,也看到了他影响力的日薄西山。Dick Cheney, the hawkish vice-president, has seen his influence wane.

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所以,日薄西山之时,阳光依然照耀着天上的云彩。Therefore, at sunset on the ground, sunlight still shines on clouds above.

虽然微软帝国显现出日薄西山的迹象,但仍保持着主导性的影响力。Although the firm’s empire has been showing signs of decline, it remains a dominant power.

金融市场的崩溃,似乎标志着第二个“镀金朝代”.已是日薄西山。The implosion of the financial markets seems to mark the twilight of the secondgilded age.

另一方面,甚至在“倾捕”的国家里,捕鲸也只是个无足轻重、日薄西山的行业。On the other hand, even in the pro-whaling countries, whaling is an insignificant and dying industry.

我曾听别人说,当一个人日薄西山时,他喜欢缅怀过去的事情。I have ever heard from some people that when one is approaching the end of life, he is fond of recalling the past.

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洛克在该片中扮演一位日薄西山的职业摔跤手试图东山再起,与他个人的职业生涯形成鲜明比照。Rourke's performance as a washed-up professional athlete trying to make a comeback closely mirrors his own career.

丁勤时先生在他任内,无数次宣布政绩辉煌如日中天,现在市政厅里却似乎是日薄西山。Mr. Dinkins has declared high noon so many times in his administration that by now it seems like four o'clock at City Hall.

它是黑人的巫术,其最坏之处在于把有害思想植入受害者的意识之中-现在已日薄西山。Obeah-which is Negro witchcraft, and whose worst aspect was poisonous idea put into the mind of the subject-has gone under.

当所有人都有谈论美国债务与失业之时,本周举行的美中会议看起来好象是美国已经日薄西山。With all the talk of debt and unemployment in the US, the US-China economic meeting this week seems to suggest an America in eclipse.

收购著名的不过日薄西山的手机品牌并不会让谷歌比别的生产商更自然拥有制造大众欢迎的设备。Buying a famed but fading cellphone brand won't magically grant Google the ability to build more popular devices than other manufacturers.

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他能够解读经济运作的活塞是咕噜呼呼或是气喘吁吁,龙头证券日薄西山咬牙切齿的嘶嘶作响、一条多灾多难收益线的痉挛抽搐。He recognised the grunts and wheezes of the financial pistons, the hissing of a dwindling tap stock, the twitching of a troublesome yield curve.

ITS赖以为生的PDP-10科技已然日薄西山,为了首次的人工智能商业化尝试,实验室内部也分裂成了若干小团体。The PDP-10 technology ITS depended on was aging, and the Lab itself was split into factions by the first attempts to commercialize artificial intelligence.

几年前,高端牛仔裤这个行业似乎已经日薄西山,金融危机扼杀了许多消费者对昂贵牛仔裤的欲望。It seemed a few years ago that the high end of the denim business was doomed, with the financial crisis killing many consumers' appetites for expensive jeans.