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有可能出现盲目发展农用硝酸钾的现象。The Potassium nitrate for agriculture use is under restructuring.

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氨对硝酸钾的选择分离结晶效果较好。And ammonia had effective selectivity for the separation of potassium nitrate.

以确定的影响,过度加热硝酸钾-山梨醇的混合物。To determine the effects of over-heating the Potassium Nitrate- Sorbitol mixture.

得出了制备硝酸钾的较佳工艺参数。Thebetter process parameters of the preparation of potassium nitrate are obtained.

探讨了硝酸钾盐的形成演化机理。Discussion is also made for the formation and evolution mechanism of sylvite nitrate.

硝酸盐,亚硝酸钾,氨,氯化物,正磷酸盐,总磷,硫酸盐,氮。Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Chloride, Orthophosphate, Total Phosphorus, Sulphate, Nitrogen.

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硝酸铵和硝酸钾的含量离对照变化幅度大时可使TAL酶活性提高。Ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate content from big contrast can make TAL enzymes improve.

一种黑色或棕色炸药,由硝酸钾、木炭和硫磺机械混合而成。A kind of black or brown explosives, the potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur mechanical mixture.

因此,大部分腌肉中都被注入了硝酸钾。然而食品与药物管理局对它的用量进行了限制。Nitrate is added to most cured meats, However, the Food and Drug Administration limits the amounts.

这是因为硝酸钾与蛋白质发生反应所产生的化学物质能使实验动物致癌。That is because nitrates can react with proteins to form chemicals that cause cancer in laboratory animals.

传统的硝酸钾生产采用复分解法,生产规模小,能耗高。Traditional manufacture of potassium nitrate with double decomposition was small scale and high energy cost.

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研究了马铃薯追施硝酸钾对块茎产量及相关性状的影响。The experiment in the effect of topdressing potassium nitrate on the potato yield was carried out for two years.

对硝酸钾电解质溶液进行了分子动力学计算机模拟研究。The computer simulation was performed in the potassium nitrate electrolyte solution using molecular dynamics method.

硝酸钾是爆炸物品,运输过程中它需要全面细心的保管。The potassium nitrate is of an explosive nature. It calls for overall and careful custody in the process of carriage.

介绍了真空冷却结晶技术应用于硝酸钾生产的工艺原理与过程。The principle of crystallization technology by cooling in vacuum during production of potassium nitrate was described.

研究结果可为硝酸钾生产工艺中结晶器的设计提供基础数据。The results can supply the basic data for design of crystallizer used in the technology of producing potassium nitrate.

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亚硝酸盐俗称“硝盐”,主要指亚硝酸钠和亚硝酸钾,是一种白色不透明结晶的化工产品,形状极似食盐。Known as saltpeter, nitrite, a white opaque crystalloid like salt, is consisted of Sodium nitrite and potassium nitrite.

我国目前生产的无氯钾肥主要有硫酸钾、硝酸钾和磷酸二氢钾等。The chloride-free potash fertilizer include potassium sulphate, potassium nitrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on.

农用硝酸钾是我国发展高效优质农业所需的高效化肥品种之一。At present, agricultural nitre used inland mostly depends on importation, and there is enormous potentiality in domestic market.