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他问到了热饭的香味。He smelled hot food.

冬天我喜欢煮熟的热饭。In the winter I love braised meals.

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一个饥饿的家庭吃上一顿热饭。A hungry family receives a warm meal.

中学生送来了热饭。High school students brought hot meals.

食堂为各个班的工人准备了热莱,热饭。The dining hall serves hot meals for all shifts.

我妈妈通常在晚上煮一顿热饭。My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening.

尽情地吃吧,一段时间里你都吃不到这么一顿热饭了。Tuck in, it's the last hot food you'll get for a while.

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你负责保证孩子们在泅水之后吃到一顿热饭,好吗?。Would you see to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim?

你可以用这个微波炉热饭,只要里面没有鱼就可以。You can heat your lunch in this microwave as long as there is no fish.

你负责保证刚出生的宝宝们在游泳之后吃到一顿热饭,好吗?。Would you easyst to it these the kid get a hot meal despite theirs swim?

将有阵雨,高温热饭,晚上和充沛美味营养的食物。There will be hot showers and hot meals at night with plenty of delicious and nutritious food.

另一位则大发牢骚,15披索只能买一个小面包和一片火腿,根本无法取代一顿热饭。A nother grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and a slice of ham and was no substitute for a hot meal.

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这些监测系统,不仅提供一个安全的避难所,热饭,而且还在职培训,教育和无条件地支持年轻的人。GEMS offers these young people not only a safe refuge and hot meals, but also job training, education and unconditional support.

有些豪华酒店的每一层楼上都有可供热饭或准备早餐的小厨房或配餐室。Some luxury hotels have small kitchens or pantries on each floor that are used either for warming food or for preparing breakfasts.

据说,有一位书生在一个湖心亭苦读书,他的妻子每天都要过一座桥给这个书生送去热饭,因此得名。It is said that a scholar retired to an island pavilion in the middle of a lake and his wife had to devise a way to keep the meals she took him hot.

终于有一天,通过小道消息和观察别的流浪汉,我找到了能吃到热饭的地方,我可以在那里省点钱了。Finally, by word of mouth and then observing the other homeless, I found out places where I could get myself a hot meal , so I could save money there.

一个月后,这项计划顺利实施,孩子们吃上了热饭、热菜,喝上热汤,临睡前有了一盆热洗脚水。One month later, the project was carried out and children there were able to eat warm meals, drink warm soup and get hot water to wash their feet before sleep.

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她自己烤面包,每天晚上做好热菜热饭,每天早上煮好燕麦粥,我们从不吃这样的烤炸速食食品。She baked her own bread, and put a hot meal on the table every night. She made us oatmeal in the mornings, none of this toasted-twinkies instant-breakfast stuff.

此外,还可以采取很多既有效又花钱不多的措施,譬如,提供一顿热饭热菜,餐券,免费的鞋子和校服,甚至可以将部分儿童福利有条件地用于儿童入学。Hot meals, food vouchers, subsidised shoes and uniforms and even making child-welfare payments conditional on attendance all help. Such measures cost little money.

我们还应向在节日里抽出时间在施粥点和收容所服务的人们表达谢意,是他们让邻居们有热饭吃,有地方住。Wealso the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay.