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阿木常常这么说。Amu often say.

但也不常常如此。But not often.

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我喜欢读书,读很多书,常常在深更半夜读。I read. A lot.

他常常拿不到小费。He was often stiffed.

我们常常乘快艇游览。We often go yachting.

我常常去拜访他。I visit him regularly.

他们常常谈论马。They often talk horse.

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他过去常常晚起。He used to get up late.

我必常常赞美你。I will ever praise you.

我们常常这么做。We always do something.

你常常一个人跑步吗?Doyou usually run alone?

他常常梦见家。He often dreams of home.

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他常常敲起警钟。He often rings an alarm.

他常常边工作边听音乐。He often works to music.

他们常常沉湎于酒。They often deal on wine.

他过去常常进网吧。He used to go to net bar.

他常常心不在焉。He’s often absent-minded.

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我过去常常不喜欢体操课。I used to hate gym class.

她常常为兴趣爱好而写作。She often writes for fun.

鸟常常成双配对。Birds often pair for life.