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这是一个精致的香炉。This is a delicate censer.

从这活的香囊,卧室中的香炉。Living sachet, censer for the bedroom.

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他们给那个教堂买了一个新香炉。They bought a new censer for the church.

日照香炉生紫烟。The sunshine censer livings purple smoke.

日照香炉生紫烟。In Sunshine Censer Peak breathes purple vapor.

你和亚伦也各拿自己的香炉.You and Aaron are to present your censers also.

香炉峰北面,遗爱寺西偏。Hyangnobong north, Eternal Love Temple West side.

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和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner.

亚伦拿著香炉为人们的罪赎罪。Aaron took the censor and atoned for the sins of the people.

庙里的香炉锈迹斑斑但是却从来不缺少香火。The incense container in the temple is rusty but never empty.

提香炉的撒拉弗的脚步声响在有簇饰的地板。Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

另有一位天使拿着金香炉,来站在祭坛旁边。Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar.

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镜外建立十六莲华。十六香炉。Outside the mirrors place sixteen lotus flowers and sixteen censers.

接着我觉得空气变得稠密,被无形香炉熏香。Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer.

乌西雅就发怒,手拿香炉要烧香。Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense, became angry.

乌西雅就发怒,手拿香炉要烧香。Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense , became angry.

龙头上置有一小香炉,下临陡峭的绝壁。Leading a small home on the censer under the provisional steep up a Precipice.

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精美的16世纪或者17世纪初明代狮形铜香炉。Finely decorated 16th or early 17th Century Ming dynasty bronze lion form censer.

镂空香炉以豆绿釉烧制而成,呈圆体罐状,。Hollow-out censer in pea green to bake with glaze and become, a sphere tank shape,.

述者的朋友家里有一只祖传的黄金香炉,朋友的父亲将他藏在床底并且一直保密。The father of a friend has a gold censer, he always keeps it under the bed as a secret.