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这种担忧正是这轮繁荣的幕后推手I think the boom was driven by fear.

意识形态在很大程度上成为了战争的推手。Ideology was a big part of what drove the war.

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推手柄,释出药物。Release the medicine by pushing on the plunger.

任就是老男孩的幕后推手之一。Ren is one of the marketing brains behind Old Boys.

谁是张新明出逃的幕后推手?Who is Zhang Xinming driving force behind the exodus?

但是付费服务的最大推手是广告——或者是缺少广告。But the big push comes from advertising—or the lack of it.

太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise.

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从某些角度看,政府正是制造这场混乱的幕后推手。The government is, in some respects, the architect of this mess.

薄熙来,作为一名抱负不凡的政党高官,正是其推手之一。An ambitious high party offical, Bo Xilai, is partly responsible.

推手、搭手、步法等都各具特点,深含奥妙。Push, put, and the step have the characteristic of itself magical.

那么,问题成了什么是所有这些极端天气背后的推手?The question then becomes, what’s behind all this extreme weather?

麦永聪师傅跟学生辉展示太极拳的招式应用及推手对练。Taiji Pushing Hands, performed by Sifu Edward Mak and his student FAI.

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定步推手用以下的步骤和方法。Fixed and restricted step Push Hands can be described in the following way.

这两名太极拳手正在院子里练习推手。The two taijiquan boxers were practising hand-pushing exercise in the yard.

随着动荡局面加剧,这些问题将是汇市的主推手。These issues will be prime movers in the currency markets as unrest expands.

太极散手实战用法是太极推手技法的延伸。Taiji Free Fight Actual Combat Skill is the extension of Taiji push hand skill.

夹脚拖鞋,一度只是海滩客爱穿的廉价品,现在成为高级时尚的推手。Flip-flops , once humble favorite at the beach, now toe the line of high fashion.

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柴娅和她的尚流传媒要做最了解中国时尚产业的幕后推手!Chai and her W-Media will be the best driving force behind the fashion industry in China.

柏金斯法案仅为这项计划提供些微助力,美国政府才是再大的幕后推手。The Perkins Act nudges such efforts forward, but the big shove comes from beyond Washington.

太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。Chinese and English Introductions Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise.