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穿小羊驼,吃甜味薄烧鲔鱼片。Wearing vicuña. Eating ahi tuna.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,和鱼片浓汤。Jambalaya, craw- fish pie, fillet gumbo.

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咖哩鱼片饭的味道是老少咸宜的。Curry Fish Slices Rice tastes good for all.

一位朋友问我绿芥末鱼片做法。A friend asked me about the wasabi fish fillet.

可以用高火煮无骨鱼片。You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting.

如果是鱼片,我们就要知道,它们是什么时候切片?If it comes in filleted, well, when was it filleted?

你能削减你的鱼有两种排或鱼片。You can cut your fish in two ways, steaks or fillets.

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供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

他们拿出鱼片和草莓松脆饼盛情款待我们。They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake.

去深海打鱼并学着切鱼片、为自己烹鱼。Go deep sea fishing and learn to filet and cook your own fish.

现在将三文鱼片这一面朝上摆放,我们继续来做寿司卷。Now with the salmon strip facing up continue to shape the roll.

当水沸腾时,立刻熄火,将所有柴鱼片过滤取出。Once water boiled, stop the gas and remove all the Bunito Flakes.

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好,先生,蚶汤、煎鲽鱼片和牛奶咖啡。Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk.

由米饭、煮过熟的鸡蛋、熟鱼片做成的菜。British a dish of rice and hard-boiled eggs and cooked flaked fish.

先把鱼片沾上一层面粉,再沾上一层蛋液最后沾上一层碎豆子。Coat tilapia with flour, the dip in egg mixture and coat with nuts.

了解如何鱼片在这个免费的在线视频清洁鱼的鱼。Learn how to fillet a fish in this free online fish cleaning video.

将鱼片摆放于一个蒸笼里上锅蒸。Set a steamer basket in the skillet, and arrange fillets in basket.

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把烧好的油连同葱姜蒜一起浇在蒸好的鱼片上,再洒上切碎的香菜。Spoon the oil mixture on top of steamed filets, garnish with cilantro.

把鱼片放的锅上煎大约4分钟,直到底部焦黄。Add fillets to pan and cook about 4 minutes until bottom side is seared.

放入鱼片,两面各煎约5分钟,直到鱼片呈金黄色。Sauté fillets until golden and cooked through, about 5 minutes per side.