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锅炉给水泵的水力压头是多少?How much is the dynamic head of BFP?

动态水力旋流器及其试验装置。Dynamic hydrocyclone and its test bed.

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当时的机器人需要用水力来带动They were robots powered by hydraulics.

河流提供丰富的水力资源。Rivers provide good sources of hydro-power.

我们可以将水力变成电力。We can transmute water power into electric power.

磨坊过去依赖风力或水力操作。Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.

尽管需要消纳这些成本,水力压裂仍然是划得来做的。Fracking might still be worth doing given those costs.

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上向流粗滤池便于水力清洗。Up flow roughing filtration is convenient to be washed.

丰富的水力资源是国家的宝贵财富。Abundance of water power is a valuable asset of a country.

泥泵是水力输送式挖泥船的关键设备。The slurry pump is one of the key facilities of a dredger.

利用水包油乳状液作为压裂液的水力压裂方法。A hydraulic frac method that uses a water and oil emulsion.

水力发电站长期以来被视为清洁能源。Hydropower plants have long been a byword for clean energy.

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本文介绍了一个实用的沸水堆热工一水力模型。A practical BWR thermal-hydraulic model has been introduced.

这些都属于水力劈裂问题。All of these belong to the problems of hydraulic fracturing.

中国是世界上水力资源最丰富的国家。China has the richest hydraulic power resources in the world.

外侧木裙边包围、水力按摩背喷、侧喷。Outside with wood skirting, water massage back jet , side jet.

它本身的性质,即水力传导性并没有发生变化。The property itself-the hydraulic conductivity-does not change.

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有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills.

油-水旋流分离器是一种新型的水力旋流设备之一。Oil-water separator is one of new types of hydrocyclone equipment.

水力涡轮机及水轮,功率超过10,000瓩者。Hydraulic turbines and water wheels, of a power exceeding 10,000 kw.