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她对考试忧心仲仲。She's so worried about her exams.

诚然,我们爱自己的孩子并为他们忧心。Of course we love our kids and worry about them.

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科学家对于南极洲融冰情况,感到忧心。Scientists for the Antarctica ice-melting situation, worried.

凯蒂忧心重重地说,因为此时天空暗淡无光,像是要下小雨的样子。Kanchi said anxiously, as the sky began to darken for a light rain.

暂且不说别的地方,该组织在也门仍然在更人忧心的势力存在。The organisation still has a dangerous presence in Yemen, among other places.

他们试著带奥鲁诺可打猎、钓鱼及进行一趟当地村落旅行来转移他的忧心。They attempt to divert him with hunting, fishing, and a trip to a native village.

你作为父母将忧心的回顾那些被遗弃的童年故事。You as a parent will wistfully look back at all their abandoned childhood things.

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这样快速与危险的发展,使得政府和旅游业界感到忧心。The breakneck development has the government and even the tourism industry worried.

因为忧心母亲经久不去的悲痛,米切尔一直打算找机会和母亲出去走走散散心。Concerned about Gail's continuing grief, Michelle often planned outings with her mother.

新闻报道说,对此忧心的卢武铉,进食也不正常了,最近开始吸起烟来。A worried Roh wasn't eating properly and had taken up smoking recently, news reports said.

但巴塞尼奥却甚感忧心,因为夏洛克是个残忍又冷酷的家伙。But Bassanio was very anxious about this because Shylock was a cruel and cold-hearted man.

仁人贤士为了下一代的教育,社会风气,政风优劣等忧心奋斗。In order to educate next generation, improve ethos of society and politics, sages strived.

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这也是为什么近段时间两位国会共和党领导人的言论让我忧心的原因。That’s why I found the recent comments by the top two Republican in Congress so troubling.

与这些基地相联系的犯罪和环境破坏,尤其令人忧心,他说。Crime and environmental damage associated with the bases were of especial concern, he said.

他们欣然地接受生命,耐心地等待那逝去的一刻而不忧心。They delightedly accept their lives and patiently wait for the moment passing without any worry.

或者悄悄地在体育馆前台留下一份欧盟或者其它让人忧心的研究的报告。or quietly leaving a copy of the EU report or some other worrisome study at the gym's front desk.

我对此感到忧心,直到有一天下午我在阿肯色州东北部纽瓦克的咖啡厅里遇见了一个人。I was worried about it until I met a man in a café one afternoon in Newark, in northeast Arkansas.

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我对此感到忧心,直到有一天下午我在阿肯色州东北部纽瓦克的咖啡厅里遇见了一个人。I was worried about it until I met a man in a caf é one afternoon in Newark, in northeast Arkansas.

令科学家更为忧心的是一些科学家对“最为惨烈的地震”破坏程度由多大没把握。More worrisome, some scientists are not sure the “worst-case earthquake” is as bad as it could get.

我会尽我最大的能力好好爱你,为你牵挂为你忧心,即使难过即使悲伤我也会狠狠念着你!I'll do my best ability to love you, for your care for you, even I will even when you are sad sorry!