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有些则完全是污蔑性的。Some are downright insulting.

我不想污蔑你的诚实。使生效,施法。I do not wish to cast aspersions on your honesty.

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这无疑是对金钱的污蔑与栽赃。This is no doubt meant to slander and defile money.

我看过他的录像,简直是对考古学的污蔑。F. I saw his video which is an embarrasment to the world of arch.

他们污蔑她时,她满脸绯红。She turned as red as a beetroot when they befouled her reputation.

听到那个律师在讲演中污蔑我们的祖先,大家都气得怒发冲冠。All of us bristled at the lawyer's speech insulting our forefathers.

原著小说的结尾,是女孩最终承认自己撒了谎污蔑了白隐禅师。In the original story, the girl eventually admits to lying about Hakuin.

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感恩污蔑你的人,是他们让你知道正人先正己。Thanksgiving slander you, is that they let you know sweep before your own door.

控告和污蔑带给他如此多的经济和精神上的痛苦。The accusations, the persecution caused him so much financial and mental anguish.

另一方面,又有人污蔑他们是这个国家的“祸根”。On the other side, there were those who branded them as the “curse” of the nation.

她极其嚣张,在她的申诉,以及污蔑和侮辱我!She was extremely arrogant in her claim, as well as denigrating and insulting to me!

可惜日本政坛两个主要党派的领导人长期以来都在污蔑小泉提出的政治理念。The leaderships of both main parties have denigrated the Koizumi legacy for too long.

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遗憾的是,结果并没有等于四,反而证明了他们在污蔑哈尔曼。Unfortunately, that didn't add up to four, but to a totally false smear against Harman.

但是穆萨维警告说,委员会进行调查有可能会造成对穆斯林社会的污蔑。But Mr. Moussaoui has warned an inquiry commission risks stigmatizing the Muslim community.

对于被污蔑为“拐走国王的女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件是一场噩梦。For Wallis Simpson, maligned as 'the woman who stole the King', the Abdication was a tragedy.

如果你对他们那些污蔑对方的话信以为真,那么你就谁的票也不会投了。If you believed all the nasty names they called each other, you wouldn't vote for either one.

这给人们很大空间去思考。欣赏比赛,不要靠污蔑对手对帮助球队获胜。There's enough to think about and admire in the game without resorting to denigrating people.

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首先,她们的过去必须被保密,否则她们会遭受污蔑永不能结婚。First, their past must be kept secret, for otherwise they will be stigmatized and can never marry.

商务飞机行业协会宣称其成员受到了污蔑,而这时极不公正的。The trade association for the corporate jet business said that its members were being unfairly maligned.

你又如何解释,如果这些媒体和记者有真实证据的话,为什么他们要撒谎和污蔑?How do you explain why those media and journalists are lying and smearing if they have some true evidences?