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没错,你的出柜将会是图文并茂了!Your coming-out is about to get real graphic!

这是一本图文并茂的童话绘本有声书。This is an illustrated audio book for children.

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一部图文并茂的钱币史,纵贯古今,精彩纷呈。A colorful history of coins and currency from their very beginnings.

通过图文并茂在线小册子您来享受我店中美味。Enjoy a taste of what's in store through our image-rich online brochure.

这本书还包括一本图文并茂的材料汇编和进程。The book also includes an illustrated glossary of materials and processes.

“这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介”他说。"It's an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles," he says.

“这是筹划一本图文并茂的字谜故事书的理想的媒介”他说。"It's an ideal medium to stage an illustrated storybook of puzzles, " he says.

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一起来读这本图文并茂的书,来了解蜘蛛和蜘蛛网的知识吧。Learn all about spiders and their webs in this book full of facts and photographs.

每个单词下面,老师都会画出动物的简笔画图形。这样既做到了图文并茂,又能吸引学生的注意力。Give a piece of paper to students, and ask the students draw some animals which they like on the paper.

另外,历史教科书的描述较之以前更清晰,图文并茂,信息准确。Also, history books now has much clearer and, lets say, correct information with proper images and facts.

图文并茂问答式的广播常识呈现,利于阅览者了解。Presenting the common senses of broadcasting by Q &A illustrations so that readers can understand it more easily.

这个应用图文并茂,还有来自专业训狗书籍逐步教学的文字。The instructional images are accompanied with step-by-step instructions sourced from published dog training books.

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本系统能较好的完成结构的计算分析,并能自动生成图文并茂的计算书。This system can fulfill the calculation and analysis for the structure and produce the calculation book automatically.

最容易成为窃取目标的,是那些旅游指南、写真集,以及图文并茂的实用类图书。Most likely to be theft targets are those who travel guide, photo albums, as well as illustrated books and practical classes.

这本图文并茂的食谱看上去很好,但是你根本找不到食谱里的作料。这些图片不过是养眼花瓶而已。This illustrated cookbook looks goodbut you can never find the ingredients for the recipes. These pictures are just eye candy!

木子美因写了图文并茂的性博客而声名鹊起,很快她的名字就被企业家擅自用到产品上。When Muzimei shot to fame for her graphic sex blog, entrepreneurs were swift to use her name for products without her permission.

现在上下班坐着猴车途经此地,看着这些图文并茂的文化牌版,既有趣又长见识。Now, sitting monkey car to work through here, looking at these pictures and the culture card version, interesting and long exposure.

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它的基本功能就是让用户能够在局域网甚至在广域网上图文并茂的进行交流。Its basic function is that it can make user communicate to each other with picture and text through intranet even if through internet.

采用图文并茂的形式力求最大限度的帮助焊工理解等离子切割的常识,提高切割效果。The article was illustrated to make welders understand the general knowledge of plasma cutting and improve the performance of cutting.

通过图文并茂的演示,游客们将感受到当地城市和农村居民的生活。In the pavilion, visitors will be able to experience the life of local urban and rural residents through audio and multimedia presentations.