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他倔强得简直像头牛。He’s as stubborn as a mule.

她是一个脾气很倔强的老姑娘。She is a hardboiled old girl.

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他像驴子一样倔强。He is as stubborn as a donkey.

她倔强地说不。Her stubborn that he does not.

在倔强之下,他还是有点惊讶。Under thestubbornness there is fright.

“是匹倔强的马,”作家解释道。"Stubborn horse," explained the writer.

曾经的倔强,变成今天的执着。Once cuSsed. Into Today's DediCation . !

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他那脑袋瓜子挺聪明,个性很倔强。He had an intellectual and characteristic head.

说白话。倔强是一个修饰词。Talk of words. A stubborn one repairs an excuse.

它倔强地重复着孔德的谬论。It stubbornly repeats all the fallacies of Comte.

杀神,用你的"倔强"证明给每个人看,你行的!Qi, use your stubborn prove to everybody, you can!

对,那个倔强任性的孩子就是我!Right, that stubborn willfulness of a child is me!

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那个倔强的学生最后开始屈从了。The stubborn student finally began to buckle under.

马克思,带着惯常的倔强,认为它两者都是。Marx, with his usual perversity, thought it was both.

主啊,我们花了二三十年的时间,倔强地不接受您。Oh Lord, we spent three decades refusing to accept you.

这匹马很倔强,拒绝跳越。The horse was behaving fractiously and refused to jump.

有时候他们倔强,发怒和强迫你坚持你自己的观点。Sometimes they act up or ut and force you to take stand.

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我们是个倔强的民族,一个善于记忆的民族。We are a stiff-necked people and a people of long memory.

也许这就是一个北方大男孩的那种倔强吧?Perhaps, this is the unbending youth from northeast of China.

她是一个倔强的女子,无论发生什么,她都会奋斗。She was a stubborn woman. Whatever happened, she would strive.