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柯希莫,你是我支离破碎的梦想。Dear my baron, you're my broken dream.

冲突如何变得这么支离破碎?How did this conflict get so fragmented?

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警方仅有一些支离破碎的证据。The police has only a few bitty evidence.

拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。Bad translation mutilates the original work.

该州这个问题有部分又恨支离破碎。Part of the problem is the state is very fragmented.

然后美梦变得支离破碎,碎成几百万个小碎片。And then the dreams break into a million tiny pieces.

尸体被炸得支离破碎,或烧至难以辨认。Bodies were blown apart or charred beyond recognition.

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他们的日常工作变得忙乱,支离破碎,顶着巨大的压力。The resulting daily routine is pressured, hectic and fragmented.

他说,后来他路过爆炸现场,看到不少建筑物支离破碎。He says walking past the site later, he saw buildings in tatters.

一种支离破碎的回忆也能让我魂牵梦绕。A single pieces of memory has make me dream of chain of nightmares.

不过因为你的身体分解了酒精,睡眠会变得支离破碎。But as the body metabolises the alcohol, sleep may become fragmented.

这没有可比性。电视让许多东西支离破碎。There's no comparison. You know, television breaks things up so much.

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把它弄得支离破碎是不行的,伙计,那就可能像是已经作废了。It wouldn't do to mutilate it, PARTNER. It might seem to be cancelled.

为什么?,因为社会会支离破碎,或是其他一些像这样抽象的原因。Why? Well, society would fall apart or some abstract reason like that.

然而,由于人体对酒精的代谢会干扰睡眠,所以会使睡眠变得支离破碎。However, as the body metabolizes the alcohol, sleep may become fragmented.

不知道在哪里看到过,好像是说现在的中华民族的哲学观是支离破碎的。Don't know where seen, it seems, said the Chinese philosophy now is broken.

药物发现和开发措施在该大陆支离破碎。Drug discovery and development efforts are fragmented across the continent.

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旋转着的风使整个房子摇动起来,并逐渐支离破碎。The swirling wind caused the entire house to shake and start to fall apart.

人们对她漫长的人生道路的了解,只停留在少许没有年代顺序的、支离破碎的片段之上。All but a few fragmentary episodes of her own long life remain unchronicled.

睡梦之桥,格里夫是这样叫它的,但是这个梦支离破碎。The Bridge of Dream, Griff called it, but this dream was smashed and broken.