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亚波罗必须在那里先起开垦的工作。Apollos must come there for pioneer work.

他们开垦了大片荒地。They opened up large tracts of wasteland.

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世界上还有广阔的未开垦的陆地。The world had vast uncultivated land areas.

缺少土地的农民开垦坡地。Land-hungry peasants push up the hill sides.

霍金斯太太说,“先在你院子里阳光充足的地方开垦一块地。First dig up an area in a sunny spot in your yard.

将有计划地开垦更多荒地。More wasteland will be opened up in a planned way.

一个土地开垦项目要在这一地区进行。The area is needed for a land reclamation project.

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看来你们一定有很大的开垦农地了?You must have a very large area under cultivation?

我还要购买新的喷洒器,新的开垦机。I'd have to purchase new sprayers, new cultivators.

山地居民在河边台地开垦出一畦畦的水田。Aborigines developed these paddy fields beside a river.

三分之二的沼泽地已经开垦为农田了。Two thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming.

没有农夫只靠在头脑里想象犁地,就能开垦出地来。No farmer ever plowed a field by running it over in his mind.

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在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.

我们计划把所有的山坡都开垦出来。We plan to bring all these mountain slopes under cultivation.

王士俊作为这一开垦案的主要责任人,在开垦中扮演了主要角色。Wangshijun as a main actor played a key role in the reclamation.

新开垦耕地明显地受到盐碱化的影响,农业生产将受到一定威胁。And the reclamation of waste land is influenced by land salinization.

他们还开垦灌木丛,挖水井,并从事市场园丁的工作。They also cleared bushland, dug wells and worked as market gardeners.

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荷兰主要的土地是填海开垦而来的。A substantial part of the Netherlands has been reclaimed from the sea.

将有计划地开垦更多荒地。The practice of reclaiming wasteland by deforestation should be curbed.

建国前,中国军事医学史还是一片未开垦的处女地。Before Liberation, the study on Chinese military medicine is a virgin land.