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不要顶嘴。Don't talk back to me.

我不许你顶嘴!I want none of your backchat!

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不应该允许任何孩子顶嘴。No child should be allowed to answer back.

他知道最好还是不要和他父亲顶嘴。He knew better than to talk back to his father.

汤姆因和老师顶嘴而受到处罚。Tom was punished for talking back to the teacher.

你怎敢跟你母亲顶嘴!脸皮真厚!How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!

当他像狮子般咆哮时,谁敢和他顶嘴?Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?

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他年轻时,只不过因为敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。He lose his job serval times just because talk back.

罗伯竟狂妄得跟老师顶嘴。Robert had the impudence to talk back to his teacher.

她不喜欢当众与丈夫顶嘴。She does not like to contradict her husband in public.

他因为和教师顶嘴受到了处分。He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.

他年青时,只不过因为敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。In his youth he lost several jobs, just because he dared to talk back.

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第二次是在我稍大一些的时候,原因是跟母亲顶嘴。The second time, I was a little bit older and talked back to my mother.

他年轻时,只不过敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。In his youth he lost several jibs , just because he dared to answer back.

而当你跟你母亲顶嘴时,希望她叫你尝一尝象牙肥皂的滋味。I hope you get razzed by friends when you have your first crush on a girl.

今天又和老板娘顶嘴了,忘记是多少次了,幸好没有上演“孙悟空大吵蜘蛛精”,嘿嘿…Today argue with Boss again, I had forgotten this is how many times already.

等一下,在你开口之前请让我解…不准你顶嘴。Before you say anything, please let me ex --- Don't you dare talk back to me.

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我记得我回答了一些巧妙的顶嘴。虽然我不记得说了什么了。I remember I answered some smart answer back. I don't know what it was, though.

但什么样的父母会枪杀自己的孩子只因他们同自己顶嘴呢?But what kind of parent would possibly murder her own children for mouthing off?

而当你跟你母亲顶嘴时,希望她叫你尝一尝象牙肥皂的滋味。and that when you talk back to your mother you learn what Ivory soap tastes like.