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我非常欢喜能够共襄盛举。I am very happy to be part of it.

这次展出将是一个盛举。The exhibition will be a big affair.

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我们真诚地希望各位能够共襄盛举。We sincerely hope you will be with us.

他说他所做是为鼓励其他人也能共襄盛举。He said he did it to encourage others to give.

让我们一起来共襄盛举吧!Let us come, cooperate grand occasion together!

我们欢迎中国人民和全世界人民与我们共襄盛举。We welcome the people of China and the world to join us.

这是一个令人振奋的新企业,我们邀请您共襄盛举,非常感谢。This is an exciting new venture. And we invite you to participate.

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欢迎各位议员到世博会参观,共襄盛举。Liu hoped the MPs may visit the Expo to celebrate the event together.

波哥大周日举行国际嘻哈节,同时有15国歌手共襄盛举。Bogota celebrated on Sunday an international Hip Hop Festival with singers of 15 countries.

我们学校的运动会改到下周五喔!欢迎大家来共襄盛举!The date of our school's Sports Game is changed to next Friday! You're most welcome to join us!

这一盛举,彻底点燃了亿万中国人巨大的爱国热情和体育热情!This event, lit by hundreds of millions of Chinese people and great patriotic fervor and sports enthusiasm!

我们需要新的方式让更多的人来共襄盛举-即使资本主义在这个世界上有这麽多的人受惠。We need new ways to bring far more people into the system — capitalism — that has done so much good in the world.

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希望能与您以此缘起,共襄盛举,并衷心祝愿您兔年大吉,幸福自在!Hope to work with you as the origin, join the festivities, and wish you Year of the Rabbit down, happiness itself!

公众。大会联合全美中医师公会、学校、各大保险公司及大公司人力部门共襄盛举。Licensed acupuncturists and TCM associations, TCM schools from all over U. S. are invited to participate in this event.

美国已准备走上这条道路,我们希望全世界其他国家在本周也能共襄盛举。The United States is ready to embrace this path, and we hope that the rest of the world will rally around it this week.

有不同的组织与帕尔曼一起共襄盛举,世界知名的纽约爱乐杂志为了这史上第一次特别做了纪录。The organization joined with Perlman and the world-renowned New York Philharmonic for the first time to present the event.

第九年的「海边雕塑」年展,将有上百位澳洲及海外艺术家共襄盛举。Over 100 artists from Australia and abroad will contribute work to the annual Sculpture by the Sea event, now in its ninth year.

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音乐会免费入场,座位有限,先到先得。请大家提早赴会。共襄盛举。Free admission, limited seats, first come, first served. Please come as early as possible to share with us the most beautiful Erhu music.

文翁化蜀的盛举实际上是通过引进中原文化、继承弘扬巴蜀传统文化而实现的。The civilization of ancient Shu was realized by introducing culture of Central Plains, an inheriting and enhancing traditional Ba-Shu culture.

每个扶轮社员可以多用一些时间、才能、及热忱在四大服务担任义工义务服务,来共襄盛举,达成此一目标。Every Rotarian can contribute to reaching this goal by volunteering a little more time, talent, and enthusiasm along all four Avenues of Service.