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卡扎菲的士兵用重武器回击。The Gaddafi fighters hitting back with heavy weapons.

奥巴马称要在欧洲部署重武器以”阻止”普京,真的吗?Obama says to store more heavy weapons in Europe to "deter" Putin, really?

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该决议还禁止在阿比让周边地区使用重武器。The resolution also bans the use of heavy weapons around the city of Abidjan.

的黎波里的其他地方则是焦虑,恐惧,重武器和爆炸。The other Tripoli is one of anxiety, of fear, of heavy weapons and explosions.

在部署及解除武器时重武器小组是最易受到打击的。The crew-served team is most vulnerable while emplacing the weapon or breaking it down.

部署在一个突出的地翻,显眼的地形将会让整个重武器小组被消灭。Positioning on a prominent, visible terrain feature tends to get crew-served teams wiped out.

每名长牙必须携带重武器,队长可以选择特殊武器,拳套等等。Each Long Fang MUST have a Heavy Weapon. Pack leader can take Special weapons, Power Fists etc.

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由于他们的军国主义教育,骑士可以发挥巨大的盔甲和使用重武器。Thanks to their militaristic education, knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry.

这也可以理解,毕竟当一群携有重武器的鸽子在天上飞的时候他们也担心的嘛。They were also understandably nervous about a load of heavily-armed pigeons flying around the skies.

一名联合国官员称,攻击机使用导弹轰炸了支持巴博的重武器军营,这样做的目的是药摧毁忠于现任总统巴博的军队用于攻击平民和联合国人员的武器。A UN official said attack helicopters fired missiles at heavy armaments in a pro-Gbagbo military camp.

其他重武器,像防空导弹和反坦克导弹,都在首都附近缴获的。The heaviest weapons, such as antiaircraft and antitank missiles, came from around the capital itself.

用你手中的武器去消灭敌人,而重武器则用来摧毁敌人的炮台、车辆与哨卡。Use you weapons to eliminate the enemy, use heavy weapons to destroy enemy emplacements, vehicles and gun posts.

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然而要将这重武器及其弹药在整个战场上搬运重武器小组将需要众多的人。A crew-served team consists of however many people are necessary to move the weapon and ammo around the battlefield.

这些重武器小组同样也是敌人重武器以及神射手们的首要攻击目标,可以想象他们承受了敌人相当多的火力。They are primary targets for the enemy's own heavy weapons and marksmen , so can expect their fair share of incoming fire.

据土耳其媒体报导,这场袭击持续了几个小时,库尔德工人党几十名成员参加了袭击,他们使用了重武器。The attack, according to Turkish media reports, lasted several hours and involved scores of PKK rebels using heavy weapons.

他决定只带走最少的东西,他手下的重武器连只带走了两门81毫米迫击炮和六挺重机枪。He decided to go very light, taking only two 81mm mortars and six heavy machine guns as supporting weapons from his Weapons Company.

亲卡扎菲军队星期一在防守严密的城镇班尼瓦里的北门附近使用重武器火力击退了全国过渡委员会武装人员。Pro-Gadhafi forces used heavy gunfire to repel NTC fighters Monday near the northern gate of the heavily fortified town of Bani Walid.

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根据人权观察的调查,反对军控制了大部分重武器,并且派出士兵看管。According to Human Rights Watch’s findings, the rebel armed forces have secured most of the heavier weapons and placed them under guard.

在会议上,他们提议建造一艘使用最新蒸汽技术而且携带重武器的快速装甲战船。In the meeting they proposed the building of a "fast, ironclad warship using the latest in steam technologies, and carrying heavy armaments".

联合国安理会几项有关如果叙利亚继续对平民使用重武器,就对叙利亚实行制裁的决议,都遭到中国和俄罗斯的否决。China has joined Russia in vetoing U. N. Security Council resolutions threatening Syria with sanctions for using heavy weapons against civilians.