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扎达克笑了,可他的蓝眼睛里透着寒光。Zadak smiled, but his blue eyes were cold.

扎达克笑了,可他的蓝眼睛里透着寒光。Zadak smiled, but his blue eyes were cold.‘No

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月亮透过云层放射出寒光。The moon is emitting cool light through clouds.

滤光灯放出蓝色的寒光,无情地把我们照了个一清二楚。The filtered light, bluish and cold, lighted us up with unmerciful clarity.

刀锋闪闪发光,仿佛一把寒光四射的长剑刺中了我的头。The light leapt up off the steel and it was like a long, flashing sword lunging at my forehead.

小河淌水,河水里的月光映着刀发出寒光。The water flew in the river, and the moonlight reflected in it gave a dazzling gleam of the knife.

星星投下影子,他们在午夜的蓝天里,白得耀眼,好像真地在闪着寒光。They are white, sharp lights in the midnight blue sky and appear literally to spark with coldness.

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如果这个世界不只是一个拙劣的恶作剧,如果人生不只是群星寒光中平凡的一闪。But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars.

它们全副武装,拥有锋利的脚爪,利剑般开刃的肩刺和尾巴,以及闪着寒光的獠牙。The Hellcats were armed with razor-sharp claws , sword-edged shoulder horns and tail, and gleaming fangs.

去火化厂给他的遗体告别的时候,发现他的眼睛依然睁着,有种清澈的寒光。As we said goodbye to him at the cremation yard, we found his eyes still open with a light, clear and cold.

安全负责人的办公室就在一块泛着寒光的金属板后,一个助理坐在桌子后,在他之后就是另一道门。The director's office was behind a frosted panel. An assistant sat behind a desk . Beyond him was another door.

地狱里有个大血池,池中是一座座的刀山,上千万支锐利刀锋闪耀著凄冷寒光。Hell, there are a large blood pool, the pool is a seat ordered by a sharp blade on the ten million shining bleak coldness.

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我用了十年的功夫精心磨制了这一把剑,这把剑的剑刃象霜一样白亮,闪着寒光,可是还没有试过锋芒。It takes me ten years to sharpen this sword and now its edge is as shining as frost, but I've not try it yet. Today I show it to you.

观众中夹杂着背枪的民兵,有的还上了刺刀,刀锋在汽灯照耀下闪着寒光。Here and there in the audience one could see militiamen with rifles, some of them equipped with bayonets which glinted fitfully in the light.

崎岖的山径上,每一块石头,都闪着深秋的寒光,像一位老者的脸,布满沧桑。On the rugged mountain road, every stone glistened chilly light of the deep autumn, like a face of an elder, who had suffered much in his life.

枪色电镀因其表面呈现铁灰色、闪现寒光的色调,类似于钢枪表面的光色因而被命名。Gun-color plating is named because the steel blue color shining with cold tone on the plated surface is similar to, that on the steel gun surface.

我想回家躺在床上,舒服地睡在母亲身边,听着她为我的婴儿妹妹们唱歌,但我感到贝卡眼中的寒光。I wanted to be home in bed, near the comfort of my mother, listening to her sing to my baby sisters, but instead I felt the cold, cold gaze of Béka.

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寒光泪照,你是否还能抚琴不噎,淡看世间俗语?梦踏驽骥,不过是半夜未央的檐前听雨。Cold tears as if you can play the piano, not choke, live through World proverb?Dream on Nu Ji is in the middle of the night, but not before the rain eaves.

五片刀片此时已经被小狐收起了四片,只剩下一片在手中玩转,锋利的发着寒光。Five slices of razor blades have already been laid up by the small fox at this time 4 slices of, leaves one to have fun to turn in hand and sharply delivers chilly light.

那张脸使我觉得有些恐怖,像一张揉皱的纸上,挖了两个小孔,孔里射出两股寒光,仿佛能穿透浓浓的黑暗。The face made me feel a little terror, like a crumpled piece of paper and dug two holes, each hole injection two shares of Han-guang, as if to penetrate the thick darkness.