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严酷的冬训从今天开始,持续一周。Severe Winter Training started from today for a week.

承宪应该很快就要去接受严酷的冬训了。SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.

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他们将全力投入即将到来的冬训。They can put their best efforts into the coming winter training camp.

冬训期间我主要练的就是起跑和前三栏,明天的比赛正好可以检验一下。My focus this winter will be on the start and the first three hurdles.

中国乒乓球队进行了一个月的封闭式冬训。The China National Table Tennis Team had a month's closed training in winter.

通过监测散打运动员身体多项指标评定冬训训练效果。The winter training result is evaluated by monitoring multi-indicators of Sanda sportsmen.

对优秀运动员冬训期间训练周期进行生理、生化指标测定,旨在评定身体机能状态和评价运动训练的效果。Certain physiologic and biochemical indices from male rowing athletes were taken daring a short period of training using.

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因此,加强冬训的训练监控和营养调控对提高运动员体能,预防过度训练十分重要。It is important to reinforce training monitoring and nutrition control to improve athletes sinew and prevent overtraining.

现就中国散打队备战2008奥运会冬训期间运动损伤调查分析进行简要分析。Sport injury Investigation and survey during winter training preparing for 2008 Olympic Games for Chinese Sanda team are analyzed briefly.

应用血液生物学指标,对15名女子垒球运动员冬训期间进行机能状态的监控。In this article, 15 women softball players' functional state were monitored during their winter training by using some hemobiological indices.

冬训是竞技状态形成的重要阶段,运动员最佳竞技状态的形成,依赖于冬训训练计划的科学性及实施的效果。The essential phase of winter training and the formulation of athletes best competing status rely on the science and implementation effect of the winter training plan.

这个冬季对舍甫琴科而言相当轻松,在以色列著名的凯撒利亚,乌克兰巨星和基辅迪纳摩度过了几天的冬训。It's been a relaxing winter for Andriy Shevchenko. The Ukrainian superstar spent a few days at Dynamo Kiev's training camp in Israel, at the pastoralic historic village of Caesaria.

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我们这次的目的主要是让这些奥运会冠军们恢复训练状态,为冬训做准备,所以能参加的项目都让她们参加了。We this time goal is mainly lets these Olympic Games champions regain the training condition, prepares for the winter training, can therefore participate the project let them participate.

和汉堡的热身赛对于卡洛·安切洛蒂教练和红黑军团球员们都非常有用,在迪拜的冬训营即将结束,球员们也获得了有益的启示。The test against Hamburger SV was useful both to coach Carlo Ancelotti and to the Rossoneri players, who were able to get useful indications at the end of the winter training camp in Dubai.

本文研究12名男子散打运动员在冬训大强度训练后,运动训练对其部分免疫指标的影响,以监控运动训练。The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intensive training on immune indexes of 12 elite male Sanda athletes in the period of winter training, and to monitor their exercise training.