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竹林里各种鸟儿在争鸣。All kinds of birds are calling to one another in the bamboo forest.

期待学人指点抑或是学术争鸣,同将庄学研究推向前进。Looking forward to being taught or arguing on the theme for the further research!

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景区阳春花木繁盛、百鸟争鸣,盛夏泉水清澈,流水不断。Yangchun scenic flowers flourish, birds contend, summer water clarity, water constantly.

蔡尚思提倡学术争鸣,主张争鸣是创新的基础。Cai Shangsi advocates academic contending and takes contending as the base for renovation.

就尼克松的支持者而言,喧腾争鸣的六十年代也是一个无法排忧解烦的愤懑年代。As far as Nixon's supporters were concerned, the swinging sixties were the seething sixties.

冬天的夜晚更是静的悚然,没有百虫争鸣,没有城市的喧闹,只是静静的。Winter night is quiet erect, not 100 insects contention, there is no city noise, just quiet.

在每一个垂直领域都有一个强势的苗苗独舞或者几家宝宝争鸣。In each vertical there was either a single strong winner or a couple that stood out from the pack.

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瞿秋白与茅盾曾就文艺大众化问题展开争鸣。Qu Qiubai and Mao Dun once contended with each other on the issue of popularization of literature.

在众多古老食谱及各种烤肉传统的相互争鸣之下,没有任何国家或文化能将烤肉这档子事占为己有。With centuries-old recipes and various traditions, no country or culture can claim the BBQ as their own.

本文从几个方面阐明东林非党这一论点,以期引起争鸣。The writer testifies that Tunglin was not a political party and expects an academic contention of thoughts.

在爆炸般的掌声中,覃争鸣讲师结束了他精彩的讲演,讲座也进入了尾声。Dr Tan finished his splendid prelection in impassioned applause and our cathedra also came into the epilogue.

在原子和分子聚散的变化中,世界呈现出一片花团锦簇,百鸟争鸣,万物欣欣向荣的景象。In the assembling and dismissing, the world witnesses that flowers blooms, birds chirp and creatures flourish.

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20世纪三四十年代,是中国现代化理论争鸣最为激烈的时期。In the 30s' and 40s' of 20th century is that the China modernization theory is contended the intensest particular period.

期刊学是我国期刊界学术争鸣比较激烈的研究领域。Academic contends on the founding of Periodical Science is a rather fierce topic in the periodicals-related circle in China.

期待出现多元观点的争鸣与碰撞,以推进语文课程与教学改革的健康发展。This article expects multiview discussion so as to promote sound development of reform of Chinese curriculum and instruction.

1957年,随着反右派斗争的开始和不断扩大,“百家争鸣”变为“两家争鸣”。In 1957, as the anti-rightist struggle started and expanded, hundred schools contending transformed into two schools contending.

“百家争鸣”是我国进入文明社会后出现的第一次空前活跃的学术思想争鸣。Contention of various schools of thought" was the first active academic contention after our country entered civilization society."

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这是不够好,以争鸣中,令人难以置信的接近顶九个小组,在西方,直到拜纳姆去打倒膝盖受伤,于一月举行。It was good enough to contend amid the incredibly close top nine teams in the West until Bynum went down with a knee injury in January.

访谈是模仿的“实话实说”,主持人覃争鸣机敏问答,两个伴奏人员在旁适时音乐伴奏,气氛很好。The talk show copyed "tell like it is", Tan Zhengming, the hoster's astute interlocution and the accompany music built a good atmosphere.

然而,经过长时间的考察和学术争鸣,容隐精神并不必然与现代法治相违背。However, after a long period of study and academic contention, the spirit of concealment is not necessarily inconsistent with the modern rule of law.