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有学识的人质朴无华。Men of learning are plain men.

还有白色,真正的白色,质朴无华,完美无瑕。And white, true white, pristine and unblemished.

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这套家具看上去质朴无华,真诚自然。This set of furniture looks unaffected and plain, natural and true.

海明威是一位风格独特的作家,他的小说语言含蓄简约、明快而又质朴无华。Hemingway, a great and unique novelist, creates a concise and veiled writing style.

尽管华兹华斯的诗歌语言质朴无华,但其中不乏悖论。Though poems of Wordsworth are very simple in language, they contain many paradoxes.

她的表情和寥寥几句质朴无华的语言已充分表达了她的感激与高兴。Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight.

居室装潢质朴无华、真诚自然的风格颇合知识分子的口味。The house decoration with an unaffected, plain, natural and true style caters to intellectuals' taste.

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早期作品主要以静物为主,蔬菜草虫皆可入画,洋溢了温和真切人情味,质朴无华。Early works mainly in the main Still Life, vegetables , grass, Insects, with Modest real human touch, Rustic.

曾先生的诗清丽自然,质朴无华,有清水芙蓉之美,这些题款升华了整个画作的境界”。Mr Tsang's poetry and beautiful natural, simple, clear water lotus of the United States, the title, the sublimation of the whole painting realm"."

诸如巨大的体量与渺小的身影、喧嚣的河水与岑寂的心灵、华丽繁冗的河流与质朴无华的生命等等。Others include immense space and minute figures, roaring waters and quiet souls, magnificent hustling river and unsophisticated artless beings, and suchlike.

园林的自然之趣与诗歌质朴无华的风貌、园林建筑与诗歌意境的开掘之间都有密切的联系。The gardens' unvarnished characteristic has consanguineous relation to the poems' natural style. The writing environments enrich the poems' artistic conceptions.

那时的琴声模糊、低沉、被四周的墙壁挡住了,从来没有像现在那样令她激动,琴声在静静的夜空里荡漾,质朴无华,就像赤裸裸的一样。Dim, flattened, constrained by their confinement, they had never appealed to her as now, when they wandered in the still air with a stark quality like that of nudity.

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在这部影片中,没有什么激烈的动作表现吸引观众的注意,全靠演员质朴无华和亲切自然的表演来塑造和表现人物。In this film, nothing drastic action performance to attract audience attention. thanks to the character actor unostentatious and warm natural performances to mold and performance figures.