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彼时彼刻,我中有你,你中有我。Now, you're in my heart, and I'm in your heart.

彼时仍叫做,就此诞生了。Groupon--then called born.

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彼时的不离不弃,已变成今日的各奔东西。That time has become today's Gebendongxi never abandon.

头次遇上直子,是在学校里,彼时我六年级。I first met Naoko when I was in the sixth-form at school.

彼时彼刻,我真的感受到了父爱。At that time other engraves , my real feeling father love.

彼时发生了一场形成今日北大西洋的地质混乱。It was the geological chaos that created the North Atlantic Ocean.

我知道,阿波罗热恋的情人雅辛托斯,就是你在希腊彼时的前世。I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days.

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于是日元兑换美元从彼时的250日元升值到现在的80日元。The yen has since appreciated from 250 yen per dollar to 80 yen today.

特瑞莎修女于1910年出生在阿尔巴尼亚的一家天主教难民营,彼时的阿尔巴尼亚正饱受战火摧残。Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in war-wracked Albania to Catholic refugees.

事实上,彼时的萨勒姆已将成为反对奴隶制运动的重要中心。For its part, Salem would become an important center of antislavery activism.

彼时彼地,我们都知道他们会夺得世界杯冠军,他们的确也做到了。Right there, right then, we all knew they were going to win the World Cup. So did they.

⊙、再也无法回到那挥臂呐喊的年纪,彼时你笑靥如花,张扬得漫山遍野又旁若无人。Unable to return to the handwaving cry age, when you smile, make public slopes and money.

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十年之前,不论来自穷国还是富国,彼时之政要,皆许下将在2015年时共建一个更加美好世界之愿景。Ten years ago, leaders of rich and poor countries pledged to build a better world by 2015.

从彼时开始,国产动画抄袭行为已可通过明显证据坐实。From that time began, has made animated plagiarism actually sit through the clear evidence.

当然,彼时的小罗是光芒四射的,但球队其他成员却是糟糕透顶。Sure, Ronaldinho was implausibly brilliant but the rest of the side was infuriatingly awful.

彼时,我扔钱的动作使我显得很高贵,但眼前的场景,却令我惊讶。A short while ago, I felt noble by my act of tossing money. But the present scene surprised me deeply.

彼时我们被告知允许雷曼破产是因为他的破产不构成系统危险。Lehmans was allowed to fail, we were told at the time, because its failure did not pose systemic risk.

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彼时公司安排他负责拓展在阿勒格尼的铁路项目。The company asked him to lead workers on a project to extend the railroad into the Allegheny Mountains.

最终我找到的是一个成年人旅行滑行俱乐部,彼时成员众多,有近乎3000人之众。I ended up finding an adult traveling ski club that had a large membership of almost 3, 000 at that time.

彼时他正忙于打板球、射鹧鸪和筹建巴基斯坦唯一的癌症专科医院,无暇顾及其他。He was too busy with cricket, partridge shooting and setting up Pakistan's only specialist cancer hospital.