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我弯下身,掬起一捧海水,向远方挥洒。I bent, held some water, threw to a distance.

在花坛中他们舞的多欢,挥洒着夏日甜味的香汗。How they dance in the parterre sweet summer sweat.

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我们于晨钟暮鼓挥洒青春的激情!We are contributing our youthful passion all time!

炎炎烈日下,我们挥洒着汗水,却无怨无悔。The hot sun, we sprinkle with sweat, has no doubts whatsoever.

西湖驿站欢迎各位热爱运动的朋友一起挥洒汗水,享受运动的快乐!You are welcome to enjoying the happiness of sports here in Xihu Station!

一条太平街,将长沙千年来的文化尽情挥洒。Taiping Street fabulously displays Changsha's thousand-year-old tradition.

文人执之如搦毛笔,点画挥洒,气定神闲。Enforcement of such scholars take hold a brush, stippling sway, they dress.

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你的确是个社交花蝴蝶,喜欢到处挥洒自己的活力。You’re truly a social butterfly and love to scatter your energy everywhere.

就像作画一样,只要每一笔都挥洒得恰到好处,一幅好画最终会自然地呈现在大众面前。A good painting is shown before people as each drawing is done to the point.

每次姚易和山姆去广州,他们都想在城市挥洒红火的青春。Every time Roy and Sammy come to Guangzhou, they want to paint the town red.

这是为了让观众可以在空白处尽情挥洒想象力。This is so that the viewer can fill in the rest with his or her imagination.

这些身穿链甲挥舞利斧的勇士,锋刃中挥洒著维京的辉煌。Protected by mail armour and wielding axes, they resemble the Vikings of old.

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一口茶和一砚墨,挥洒的笔,留在纸上的线条,是你游离的思绪。A cup of tea and a inkstone ink, brandish pen on paper, the line, you are free.

大肉身藉由大画面上的绘画性笔触的挥洒运动来排解其局限性、身体上的孤立感。When painting the big-size canvas, the body is moving and having dynamic drawing style.

本地首席音乐剧总监陈慧玲将挥洒呼风唤雨的音符,湿润您的眼眶,酥化您的心灵。With Elaine Chan as Musical Director, this musical will wet your eyes and melt your heart.

沙滩、阳光和尽情挥洒的快乐使芭堤雅海滩成为泰国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand.

同时,也必然会有不少作者挥洒笔墨撰写新作,一究本次诸多暴乱的根源事由。And much new ink will inevitably be spilt over the roots and causes of these latest outbursts.

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饱蘸诚挚的友谊,挥洒清纯的情感,写下欢乐的诗章,吐露无悔的青春。The pen with sincere friendship and pure feeling writes down happy poems and regretless youth.

很显然,她恣意挥洒的自然风度和率真个性绝非刻意为之。She clearly has plenty of natural poise and genuine personality that is anything but contrived.

使用橘、橙如蜜般的香味,满满的溢出,瞬间挥洒阳光的温暖。Use orange, orange, such as honey-like aroma, full of overflow, instant sway warmth of the sun.