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他悔恨交加。He was racked by remorse.

从雷雨交加的夜晚。From the thunder storm night.

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他悲愤交加,心痛不已。His heart ached with anger and sorrow.

令人爱恨交加的丘比特!Call it a love-hate relationship with Cupid.

你意识到自己让人爱恨交加吗?Are you aware that you are a love-hate figure?

我们获得了利润而惊喜交加。We were pleasantly surprised at the profit we made.

从此以后,我对公关爱恨交加。Since then, I have a love-hate relationship with PR.

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威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight.

隔着玻璃,依稀看出雷雨电交加的暴怒。Separated by glass, seen and a thunderstorm electricity.

每个人和乔布斯的态度都是爱恨交加。Steve has a love-hate relationship with, well, everyone.

不过狄龙说他对电视可是爱恨交加。But Dillon said he had a love-hate relationship with television.

多美的鲜桃,明暗交加多么诱人!整家整户在晚上逛市场!What peaches and what penumbras! Whole families shopping at night!

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当她终于真的受孕的时候,她其实忧喜交加。When she finally did get pregnant, her joy was mixed with darkness.

但是昨天的天气糟糕极了,狂风大作,雷雨交加。It rained heavily while it was thundering. And it had a strong wind.

星期一迟些,雷雨交加在海岸边发射地点移动着。英英解释…Rain and lightning moved over the seaside launch site late on Monday.

尽管对国足爱恨交加,但在与巴西队的比赛中,中国球迷对这种情绪置之不理,一心想为国家队加油。Against Brazil, Chinese fans tried to leave their ambivalence at home.

当他看到非洲饥民的画面时,他悲愤交加。He became sad and angry when he saw pictures of hungry people in Africa.

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在他十四岁时,饥贫交加的马拉维少年威廉·坎宽巴为家里建立了发电风车。At age 14, in poverty and famine, a Malawian boy built a windmill to power his family's home.

明星和狗仔队之间爱恨交加的关系可能会是永远的矛盾。The love-hate relationship shared between paparazzi and celebrities will forever be a catch 22.

雷阵雨来时,往往会出现狂风大作、雷雨交加的天气现象。Thunder storm came, often can appear blustery, during a violent thunderstorm weather phenomenon.