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灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。The greyhound bus origin museum is located in hibbing minnesota.

在这座建筑的原址上,一件事实上的复制品最近已经被揭幕。A virtual replica was recently unveiled in the place of the original.

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工人们拆毁旧屋,并在原址上另盖新屋。The workers torn down the old house and built a new one in its place.

武则天长安年间开始在原址重建大雁塔,在规格上有所改变。At that time the Empress ordered to rebuild the tower on the former address.

五角大厦的原址上将会重建并会在一年内落成。The ruined portion of the Pentagon was rebuilt and reoccupied within a year.

原址为元大都大天寿万宁寺之中心阁。Yuan Dadu for the site of the Great Temple of Wanning Tianshou Center Court.

公园中兴庆湖即在原兴庆公中“龙池”原址建成。Lake Park in Xingqing that the original public Xingqing "Longchi" into the site.

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展厅内坑中,有完整的殉马遗骨106具,在发现原址建成。Pit hall, complete sati 106 Ma remains, after the discovery of the site completed.

很多国家拥有「非原址换地保育方案」的成功例子。Non in-situ land exchange is successfully used in many countries to resolve such issues.

现已在原址动工复建具有明代特色总兵府。Now begin rehabilitation at the site of the Ming Dynasty characteristics Longbing House.

一个由哈齐姆Azmy,埃及,原址按类型划分与很多有趣的链接。An original site by Hazem Azmy, Egypt, with lots of interesting links classified by type.

7月4号,纽约州州长乔治.帕塔奇和纽约市市长米歇尔.布鲁伯格主持了自由大厦的破土仪式,这座写字楼将建在世贸大厦原址上。On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the World Trade Center site.

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瓦尔斯温泉建立在当地开采过石头的原址上,这种石头成为设计的灵感来源。The Therme Vals is built from layer upon layer of locally quarried Valser Quarzite slabs.

抗日战争胜利后的1946年,清华大学迁回清华园原址复校。After the war, in 1946, the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.

公园中兴庆湖即在原兴庆公中“龙池”原址建成。Xingqing Lake in the park was built on the relics of Dragon Pool in the original Xingqing Palace.

7月4号,纽约州州长乔治.帕塔奇和纽约市市长米歇尔·布鲁伯格主持了自由大厦的破土仪式,这座写字楼将建在世贸大厦原址上。On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the rise at the World Trade Center site.

2007年7月,为了迎接奥运会的到来,愚公移山原址所在位置面临拆迁。In July 2007 the bulldozers of the forthcoming Olympics have rolled over the place and torned it down.

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塔楼位于红磡海滨旁,取代了原址上的旧轮渡站。当然,新塔中仍保留作为轮渡站的功能。The towers are designed to be built next to Hung Hum waterfront, which replaces the old ferry station.

原址被当地人犁过,又用做农业用地了。And the site was then plowed over by the local inhabitants who simply took it back to agriculture again.

设计地块原址为台州烧碱厂,属于棕地改造的范围。Design plot of land is the site of caustic soda plant in Taizhou, which belongs to the brownfields range.