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一个向导救了井淳子。One guide saved Junko.

你们有向导解说的参观团吗?Do you have a guided tour?

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这女孩子充任我们的向导。This girl acted as our guide.

这将启动迁移向导。This starts the Migration Wizard.

惶恐不安是通向未来的一个无用向导。Fear is a poor guide to the future.

习俗是无知者的向导。Custom is the guide of the ignorant.

该向导支持这些情况。The wizards support those scenarios.

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这样就会打开向导的第一屏。The first screen of the wizard opens.

这支队伍的向导就是一个这样的例子。The group's guide is a case in point.

向导不覆盖文件。The wizard does not overwrite a file.

不过,渴应该成为你的向导。Thirst, though, should be your guide.

向导无法检测拨号音。The wizard could not detect a dial tone.

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只要跟随你向导者的足印。To have followed the steps of your Guide.

CELA称,我们可以把美国的规章制度当作一个向导。CELA said that U.S. rules could be a guide.

那个向导领我们穿过迷宫般的曲折洞穴。The guide led us through the maze of caves.

向导在森林里给旅游者带错了路。The guide misled the tourists in the woods.

我从当地一个向导口里听到一个有关图腾的故事。I heard a totem story from a guide in Ducan.

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我是你的向导,我来这儿到你参观的。I’m your guide, I’m here to show you around.

在某物上做一个小孔,好像为钻孔机做向导。Oil whooshed up when the drill hit the well.

狒狒无形中成了他们的向导。The baboon has become their unwilling guide.