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船长记航海日志。The captain keeps a log.

打开一个已存在的测试日志。Open an existing test log.

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它询问您是否已经有了一个日志。It asks if you have a journal.

它还提供了一个很好的日志记录器。It also gives you a nice logger.

每个日志有60到80页长。Each Journal is 60-80 pages long.

测试程序同上篇日志。Same MIPs program with last blog.

创建跟踪日志记录器和消息日志记录器Creating trace and message loggers

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离线日志是指非实时的日志信息。Off-line log is non-real time log.

对于恢复,重做日志是必需的。Redo logs are needed for recovery.

执行测试用例并查看测试日志Execute test case and view test log

为数据和日志使用高速磁盘。Using fast disks for data and logs.

先卖个关子,看看我下一篇日志就知道咯!Wait a moment to read my next blog!

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执行文件系统日志校验和Checksumming the file system journal

我喜欢一切关于网络日志的东西。I love so many things about blogging.

每次运行覆盖日志文件。Overwrite the log file for every run.

这个日志是位于磁盘上的结构。This journal is an on-disk structure.

它将这些数据添加到日志暂存区域。It appends it to the log staging area.

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完整的更新日志可以在这里查看。A complete changelog can be found HERE.

他在航海日志之中记下船速每小时十海里。He logged the ship's speed at 10 knots.

它是用于日志缓冲区的参数。It is the parameter for the log buffer.