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他解释说,“当你评判完整的表达时,还需考虑语句对仗的问题。When you look at the whole expression there's a symmetry about this.

这首诗的第一节和第二节的音节对仗工整。The first and second stanzas of this poem parallel with each other neatly.

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这是对仗心理学的主要假定是没有神。That is the antithesis of psychology's main presupposition of there is no God.

他的句子精心雕琢,用词讲究对仗,好用废字,华丽的字。He used elaborate sentences, carefully balanced, and obsolete, resplendent words.

古典诗歌中对仗的形式很多,常见的对仗形式大概有六七种。There are many forms of antithesis in the classical poetries, but only six to seven forms are popular.

鼎足对是元散曲的一种独特对仗形式,是元人小令中在“量”与“质”两方面都居绝对首位的对仗。Tripartite antithesis is a particular form of antithesis adopted by non-dramatic song of Yuan Dynasty.

如果你把‘一个’这个词加进去,就会完全改变了诗言的对仗性表达。If you put the word 'a' in, it would totally alter the poetic balance of the expression, " he explained.

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其语言风格颇有韵律,前后对仗,完美地表达了在那惊人之举的历史时刻的心情语气。And in its rhythm and the symmetry of its delivery, it perfectly captured the mood of an epic moment in history.

对联对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。Antithetical couplet antithesis neat, tonal harmony, the word is the sound of a Chinese language and unique art form.

这些诗歌的普遍特征体现在工整对仗的形式,优美和谐的韵律以及丰富深邃的内涵。These features include the neat and balanced form, melodious and harmonious sound, and as well rich and profound meaning.

正对又是对联主要的对仗方式之一,但是对联不允许合掌。The coordinate couplet also is one of the main antithetical forms of couplet, while the couplet does not permit "Hezhang".

起承转合章法遵,对仗用典要巧谨。少用难懂生僻字,立意新奇情动人。Since the bearing to broad seal law compliance, but to be clever with allusions. Use less obscure obscure, purposive novelty love moving.

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在艺术方面,张祜的题咏诗以对仗精工、境界多样而著称。With regard to artistic aspects, narration-and-intoning-style poems of Zhang Hu are known for their fine antitheses, and multiple realms.

与谚语、俚语等不同,汉语四字成语更以其对仗工整,音韵对称的美学功能和修辞特点而成为翻译中的一个难点。As Chinese four-character idioms are mostly symmetrical in form and embody the aesthetical function, they pose great difficulty to translation.

诗联在旅游文学中占有重要地位,这里以它们的发展过程为线索介绍一些诗联的基础知识,对仗和平仄尤需注意。Here I'll introduce to you some elementary knowledge of poem & Yinglian by the virtue of their development, especially about Duizhang & Pingze.

和他们的近体诗相比,竹枝词在韵脚的使用上比较严格,但在平仄和对仗上就比较自由,不受近体诗的束缚。Compared to their recent poetry, the use of rhyme Zhuzhici in more strict, but on the Level and Oblique Tones and highly relatively free from the shackles of the recent poetry.

在校训的表达形式方面,中国大学校训讲求对仗与钾韵,而西方大学校训则更为自由洒脱、没有严格的限制。As to the expression, Chinese school mottos stress the use of such devices as antithesis and rhyming, whereas Western mottos, with no restrictions on the form, read freer in style.

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在门两边贴对联,即在大红纸上写上对仗式的美好语言,让人们看和念,以求吉祥和幸福。Many people hang couplet inscriptions on either side of doors, the doors are pasted with vertical scrolls of characters on red paper whose inscriptions seek good luck or happiness.