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岛上有金龟亭、二王亭、观音阁。Island beetles Pavilion, the Wang Ting, Kwun Yam Club.

迪斯尼甚至拍了金龟车贺比/Herbie的系列电影,一辆可爱的甲壳虫。Disney even made several movies about Herbie, the Love Bug.

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有一个金龟变种甚至靠蜗牛留下的粘液来生存。There's even a variety that subsists on the slime left by snails.

一个人会想变成一只金龟虫,漂浮在浓馥的海里。One would like to turn into a cockchafer to float in a sea of fragrance.

一个人会想变成一只金龟虫,漂浮在浓馥的海里。One would like to turn into a cockchafter to float in a sea of fragrance.

中美洲和南美洲的体型巨大的独角仙仍旧是金龟科的。The enormous rhinoceros beetles of Central and South America are scarabs.

总是不停地把前门灯撞的乒乓响的六月腮金龟就是金龟科的一种。The June bug pinging incessantly off your front porch light is a type of scarab.

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金龟桔个大色鲜,桔皮易剥,水分多,也很甜。Beetles large color of fresh orange, orange peel easy to peel, water, also Hentian.

金龟一般为椭圆形,是个矮胖子,体型从微小到巨大不等。Scarabs are generally oval-shaped and stout, ranging in size from miniscule to mythic.

捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫及其它农林害虫如蝗虫、金龟甲等。It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust , chafer etc.

小云斑鳃金龟在白龙江林区4年1代,以幼虫在土壤中越冬。Polyphylla gracicornis generate 1 generation in 4 years and live through the winter by larva.

儿童反斗城、进口儿童游戏机、金龟虫等项目让您尽享天仑之乐。Children R, imported children's games, beetle bug projects allow you to enjoy the Tianlun music.

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该研究结果可为开发苹毛丽金龟田间引诱剂奠定基础。The study will provide the foundation for developing attractive chemicals for P. lucidula in fields.

图中的金龟车也是电动车,虽然只是实验车,但是离上路不远了。The subcompact in the photo is battery-powered . Though still experimental, it will soon be on the road.

研究结果为利用性信息素防治暗黑鳃金龟技术的开发提供了基础。The results may serve as basis for developing the techniques of sex pheromone attraction to control H. parallela.

金龟虫回来,而且他正在去较深的地下解救他的小双轮单座的轻马车的整个的1341,变得被绑架。Beetle Bug is back and he's going deeper underground to save the whole 1341 of his little buggies, which got kidnapped.

为进一步建立玛绢金龟序贯抽样方法提供了基础数据。The estimate of kc was 0 6529. This study provided basic data for establishing a sequential sampling plan for Maladera sp.

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金龟产于欧洲的金龟科大甲虫,尤指鳃角金龟,对植物有害。Any of various European beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, especially Melolontha melolontha, which is destructive to plants.

截至目前,全县已建成了金龟湖、孔融让梨文化公园、礼贤台等20多个景区景点。As of now, the County has established the Golden Lake, Kong Rong for PEAR Culture Park, Lai yin over more than 20 scenic spots.

我预料马上就会看到骑红色脚踏车的女人,拿花的男人和保险杠受损的金龟车。I predict that, in just a moment, we'll see a lady on a red bike, followed by a man with flowers and a Volkswagen with a dented fender.