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此时,黄昏绽放出蔚蓝色的霞光。By now the blue of twilight is glowing.

天边那最后一道霞光渐渐堙灭了踪迹。You can't have them that a final Yin trace out glow gradually.

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夕阳依着黄昏,霞光撒在肩头泛起的微微褶皱。The setting sun in dusk, rays and shoulders thrown in slightly fold.

丝丝柔云飘渺浮动,宛若鱼儿畅游于霞光之海。从堤岸一般的大地上,我眺望平静的云海。The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light.

站在黄昏的夕阳里,触摸指尖淡淡的霞光,找不会曾经的温暖。The station in the evening sunset, touching fingertip light rays, can not have warm.

埃及卢克索的帝王谷里,霞光流连在拉美西斯三世的陵墓上。Twilight lingers over the tomb of Ramses III in the Valley of Kings in Luxor, Egypt.

伫立在霞光中,看日落时的地平线,暮色暗淡,昼夜分明。Standing in the light, when watching a sunset horizon, twilight dim, circadian clear.

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登山观日出,霞光异彩,漫步山间路,清静逍遥。Sunrise Mountain View, Xiaguang splendor, walk through the mountain roads, quiet Xiaoyao.

那绮丽的霞光是对夕阳的礼赞,是大自然赏赐给人类的恩典。That beautiful sunset on sunset celebration, is a gift from mother nature to human grace.

黄昏时分,太阳落山了,一道黄烂烂的霞光,取代了明朗的日光。By early evening the sun had gone and a brassy glare had taken the place of clear daylight.

天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。Sky glow was gradually fading out, the crimson color turned scarlet, crimson and light red.

亲爱的,霞光四射,光明散映成金,它洒下大量的珠宝。The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gams in profusion.

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现在已经被蒙牛、惠尔康、蓓泉乳业、霞光等公司采用。This has been accepted and proved by Mengniu, Hekuierkang, Fuquan Dairy and Xiaguang and so on.

“霞光”使云彩发出白色、桔色,或是粉红色的光,就破坏了我们的夜景。Skyglow causes clouds to glow white, orange, or pink, and destroys our view of the nighttime sky.

我们憧憬山那边的那边黎明时的万丈霞光,我们更手把手、肩并肩的翻越着脚下满是荆棘的山…We are yearning for dawn's lights and climbing hand-in-hand the mountains which are covered with thorns.

暮色苍茫中,这一群美生灵被霞光勾勒出一片剪影。In the boundless twilight, this herd of beautiful creatures are silhouetted by the rays of evening sunshine.

一抹绀色间以青紫色的霞光,返映着湖堤上雨后的碧柳。One day at sunset , violet and purple rays illuminated the emerald trailers of the weeping willows on the dyke.

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我可以看到红色的霞光印在海面上,微风吹拂,波光粼粼,非常美丽,像一幅鲜艳光彩的画。I could see the red Xiaguang printed on the sea, breeze, sparkling, very beautiful, like a bright luster painting.

每当日落日出之时,这里霞光辉映,雾海翻腾,石莲游浮,蔚为壮观。Whenever the time of sunrise and sunset, here Xiaguang embraced the somersault, Shek Lin Yu floating, magnificent.

童年时的那条老牛,记着归家的路,每到黄昏总是坦然的迈着步子在霞光下走入家乡的画卷。Childhood in the old, remember the way home, every evening always calmly walked in the rays next into home picture.