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让我们这些肥得气都喘不过来的英国人赤身裸体地到处跑吗?Get all us fat wheezy Brits to run around naked?

在公共场合赤身裸体被认为是不成体统的。It's considered improper to be unclothed in public.

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当赤身裸体时,我们大多数人都觉得自己被暴露了。When we are naked in public, most of us feel exposed.

我去到他房间,发现他在浴室里赤身裸体。I went to his room and found him naked in the bathroom.

她脱光身上的衣服,赤身裸体从洗手间跑了出来。She took off all her clothes and ran out of the washroom.

当你做有关中学的梦时,你会梦到自己在大考来临时毫无准备,或者自己赤身裸体。Either you're woefully unprepared for a big test or you're naked.

他们赤身裸体摆著姿势,供一位美国著名露天裸体摄影艺术家拍照。S. artist famous for his photos of naked crowds in public spaces.

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在赤身裸体瑟瑟发抖的囚犯的生殖器和腿边放上一只军犬?Set guard dogs at the genitals and legs of cowering naked prisoners?

也就是说我肯定不能和一个赤身裸体的男人同床。Which means I'm definitely not supposed to be in bed with a naked man.

爱达和夏娃,女人和她的妻子,两人赤身裸体,并不感到羞耻。And they were both naked, the woman and her wife, and were not ashamed.

000余名墨西哥人脱光衣服,为了艺术而赤身裸体。More than 18,000 Mexicans stripped off, baring all for the sake of art.

要么是你在公共场合赤身裸体,要么是穿着古怪或者不当。You're either naked in public or wearing something odd or inappropriate.

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实际上,除非遇见他们赤身裸体,不然你会认为他们是女人。And, in truth, unless you saw them naked, you would suppose them to be women.

当我妈妈在YouTube上看到我们在布莱顿赤身裸体骑自行车时便笑得乐不可支。My mum had a laugh when she saw us in the Brighton naked bike ride on YouTube.

他不介意我在其他女性面前赤身裸体,但他对周围的男人却不太有信心。He doesn’t mind me being naked around women, but he’s not too sure about the men.

一名妇女醒来后发现自己赤身裸体地躺在床上,并在近旁的垃圾桶中发现一只用过的避孕套。One woman woke up naked in a bedroom and found a used condom in a nearby trash can.

郑重地说,他是我从近处见到的最英俊的男人,更不用说赤身裸体了。Hands down, he's the most handsome man I've ever seen close up, not to mention naked.

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根据这些理由,于是剥光他的衣服,要他赤身裸体,立雪通宵。You therefore strip him naked, and in that condition stand him all night in the snow.

经常赤身裸体的斯卡有一大把机会在小屏幕上让人目眩神迷。Frequently in the buff, Skars has plenty of opportunities to stun on the small screen.

在法属波利西尼亚,一个赤身裸体的小男孩站在绿蓝色的南太平洋海边。A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the South Pacific in French Polynesia.